Chapter 18

1238 Words
Tessa The night passed with Mr. Carter doing different styles with me, and I couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed each of it. I couldn't lay my hands on whether I was happy that Mom didn't sleep at home, and one part of me prayed it was always like this, but I knew that was much unrealistic. To be practical, guilt hit me hard yesterday with every passing moment with Mr Carter, I knew Mom was supposed to be in that position, but I was the one enjoying it. I wondered how Mom would react if she later found out about all this, but I prayed she doesn't. I did the final touches on my head, taking hold of my bag before storming out of the room, surprised to see Mr. Carter already waiting for me downstairs. I couldn't prepare breakfast today because I slept quite late and couldn't even wake up early, not to mention cook. He flashed me a devilish smile, but my face remained cold. Seeing him now with that smile made another pang of guilt hit me hard, at the same time I wanted him to hold me tight in his arms. I walked past him, walking to stand at the door side without him trying to hold me down. "I'm sorry, no breakfast this morning, I was quite late in bed," I apologized, even after knowing he was the one who caused all this. He made me sleep late, and now I was the one apologizing. "It's okay, Tess, you satisfied me yesterday," a naughty smile fell from his lips, and my legs felt so weak with that smile. How come he knew how to play a little trick on me? Even after trying to hold back myself, I could still swear that my cheeks were burning with shyness right now. "Let's go to school," he walked towards me, planting a kiss on me before trotting towards the car. I placed my hand on my chest, praying inwardly that my racing heart wouldn't give out. I heard the car horn and knew Mr. Carter was waiting for me. I rushed outside. The drive to school was quiet, with only our breathing sounds filling the air but mine was more thicker. Why? Mr. Carter's hand was between my legs, his fingers gently caressing me. I tried not to moan or squirm, knowing we were on the expressway. His finger slipped inside me, and I couldn't help but twist my face and let out a soft moan. "Shouting too much will draw attention, Tess," he whispered, and I rolled my eyes, knowing he was aware of the effect he had on me. "At least try to keep it down," he said with a smirk, his hand moving deeper, sending shivers down my spine. "Roll up the mirror," the statement came out as a moan, but I knew he heard me well. "Why? Daddy is only trying not to make the journey boring," he smirked, and I hissed inwardly as his hand dug deeper. The pant I wore was also creating a sensation that I couldn't even explain how it felt, it wastingling all over my body, and it felt like it had been a year since I'd felt this way, even though I'd experienced it just that morning. He parked the car in his usual spot, he had been dropping me off at this particular point in other not to create a commotion among the student He rolled up the mirror before sucking into the finger he had used to f****d me. He pulled me closer for a kiss and I could taste my wetness. He depart from the kisses and tapped my shoulder twice "See you around" with that I stormed out of the car and I watched him drove off. I touched my skirt confirming if it was wet or not and luckily it wasn't only the pants were soaked. I started walking towards the school, but Leah's voice calling my name caught my attention. She was running towards me. She finally got to me and support her hands on his kneel pulling out the air she had been holding. "I've been calling you" she exaggerate after coming back to normal. I had just gotten out of Mr. Carter's car, so I wondered how she had been chasing after me. I played along, smiling lightly and nodding at her lies, and she nodded back before we started walking towards class. "We have Mr. Carter's class this morning, and I'm scared he'll throw a tantrum if we're late, so let's walk faster," she explained, holding my hand and dragging me to quicken my pace. But she suddenly stopped walking when her phone beeped, and she pulled it out. She hissed at the first text, ready to put her phone back, but another message dropped, and she clicked on it, watching it for a while before a smile crept onto her lips. I wondered what she was up to. "Naughty boy," she giggled to herself, replying to the text. I guessed her boyfriend must have sent it. I wished I had one, but I guessed Mr. Carter was enough... or was I hoping too much? "My boyfriend sent me this," she showed me a video of a kissing scene. I watched it for a second and realized they were engaging in a French kiss. I quickly looked away, remembering the same scene with Mr. Carter yesterday, and my body reacted as if I should feel his touch right now. My cheeks reddened. "Come on, don't be shy, see your red cheeks," she teased, assuming things in her head. Did I tell her I was shy? But did I need to change her perspective? It was good she assumed I was shy. "Mr. Carter must be inside the class by now, don't you think we should hurry up?" I raised my gaze, and a gasp escaped her lips, as if she lost her mind for a second. The two of us started walking faster, but before we could even get to class, Mr. Carter was already inside, his eyes scanning the large number of students. However, when we stepped in, his eyes changed course towards us. "You two are coming late?" he asked, his gaze mainly on me. I checked my wristwatch before raising my gaze. "It's not that late, sir. This is just 3 minutes past 10. I don't think that should be considered late," I replied. He scrunched up his face, not expecting me to talk back at him. "Oh, is that it?" he asked, and I nodded, along with Leah. "Then, if that's it, why don't you tell me what I've been teaching your course mate between that 3 minutes?" He gestured towards the students, and my eyes blinked twice. How did he expect me to reveal something he said behind my back? Was I a mind reader? "How am I supposed…. to know…Sir?" I stammered raising my brows. "Three minutes isn't considered late, but you can't gain what the rest had gained before coming to class," he paused for a while. "You," he pointed to Leah, "You can have your seat." He then directed his gaze to me. "Wait for me in my office." He dismissed me and returned his gaze back to the class. Was this his motive? What are we going to do again inside his office? I wondered.
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