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Jayden 'Mate' My wolf screamed in my head, making me gasp in surprise. What in the goddess' name! I took several steps away from the Pen as I tried to process what just happened. How could that be possible? Of all the places in the world, I had to find my mate in Grayson's mansion. And of all the creatures in the world...I got a...human-dog as my mate. I was shocked beyond words. I didn't know what to say or how to react. It all felt like a joke. A big terrible joke. I stood upright and hurried away from the Pen. The man stared at me with fury as he struggled to get up. "Aren't you Alpha Jayden?" He asked as he finally locked the Pen. "What is that?" I found myself asking. Even though the answer was clear, I just needed a third-party opinion just in case everything was from my imagination. "I am," I tried to sound bold. "Hello Alpha," he bowed. "What is this thing?" I pointed at the Pen. "It's the home for the Graysons' dogs." Well, it is a Pen indeed. "But that...that...girl," I stuttered. I didn't know how to qualify her. Is she a dog or a human? "That's Zoraya, she's our....." Before he could finish the sentence, he was called in by Estrella. "Pardon me, Alpha, I have to go," he bowed before leaving my presence. I watched the Pen in amazement and moved forward once again to take a look at the creature in the Pen. She looks exactly like a human, but why is she barking like a dog? And why is she living in the Pen like a dog? I took one last look at the cubicle and my wolf mellowed as he repeated those words that I dreaded. 'Mate.' How can this thing be my mate? No one must know about this. I left the place hurriedly and went back to the car. Leaving Lewis behind, I drove back home. I went straight to my room to take a bath. I needed to get that horrible sight out of my head. What the hell does the goddess think of herself? How could she pair me up with something like that? I opened the shower and unleashed the cold water on my head to help me erase the horrible picture of I don't even know what to call her. I just want her out of my head. However, as fast as she was able to calm my restlessness, it all returned as soon as I was out of her sight. Shit! I clutched my chest as I gasped for breath. What is this? I wondered. I hurried out of the bathroom and changed into something casual. I wore something extremely light, to help get more air into my body and I kept my mouth open to help get more air into my lungs. "Alpha," I heard a loud knock on the door. After struggling for goddess knows how long, I was finally able to get up. I opened the door and Lewis came in. "Why did you leave without telling me?" He sounded worried, yet angry at the same time. "I needed rest so I came home to get it," I lied. Lewis studied me and noticed that I was bothered by something. He came closer to me, his eyes locked on mine. "Is that why you came home or....." He left his question hanging as he came closer to me. "....Did something happen?" I raised my head abruptly. Did he find out? No. I shook my head immediately. Nobody knew what happened out there and no one should know. "What do you mean?" I feigned ignorance, pretending not to understand what he was saying. "Did you...." Before he could speak further, I turned away. "I would like to rest, Lewis, please leave me." I had to discharge Lewis otherwise he would become suspicious. He is my best friend after all, and he knows when I'm distressed or unhappy. "Alright Alpha," he bowed. I watched him leave and I went back to lie on my bed but all I saw was the scene from earlier. I tried to connect with my wolf to ask why he chose something so outrageous as his mate, but my wolf was quiet. He did not respond to my call. Even though I know that my wolf was not at fault, he was also a victim of the goddess' cruel game. However, I couldn't stop being pissed by the entire scenario. What the freaking hell? I am Jayden Cole, Alpha of Blood Moon Pack. How can I have that thing as my mate? It's a good thing that I chose Melissa as my Luna. What would have happened if I was waiting for my supposed mate? Will I be forced to spend the rest of my life with that thing? No way. I feel so disgusted by the thought. As soon as my mind drifted to the scene from earlier, my wolf became restless. He lingered on the surface, struggling to take charge. I managed to suppress him but I couldn't stop my raging heart. It felt as if I had run a race, as I was panting heavily even though I was only lying on the bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but sleep eluded me. I was restless. My body was covered in sweat. What is going on? I couldn't understand what was happening in my body or why I was perspiring, but I knew that it was all because of that girl. So, without delay, I picked up a shirt and decided to go back to the Graysons' manor. I need to put an end to this. Taking my car keys, I hurried out of the room and went straight to the car. "Jayden!" I heard Lewis call out for me but I ignored his call and zoomed off, splattering smoke in the air. I arrived at the Graysons' manor faster than expected. The party was over and the guests were leaving, but I had no business at the party, rather my unfinished business was with the f*cking Pen. My heart thumped heavily as I approached the Pen. However, I found it locked. I took a peek into it and I found her. My supposed mate. She was crouched down on her butt. Her tongue was all out. My heart calmed at the sight of her and my wolf cooed. I leaned closer to take a good look at her as I wondered how she ended up like that. "Who are you?" I foolishly asked, as if she could answer. Undoubtedly, her response was a bark. I shook my head in denial. I can't have this as my mate. Even though my wolf and heart both screamed for me not to say the words, I couldn't stop myself. All this while, I always thought that I might be wrong. Maybe the goddess knows what she's doing after all. Maybe she knows what's best and will get a better life partner for me as my mate. I was right all along, the goddess is nothing but a joker. "What are you?" I rephrased as I studied her. She opened her mouth to speak and I leaned closer, hoping to hear her speak. Suddenly, I heard loud noises from inside the manor as the crowd screamed, "Fire!"
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