Prologue: Isabella

1635 Words
*** CONTENT WARNING!!!*** Graphic depictions of s****l assault of a minor are in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised!!! Run, run, you have to run. Run faster, run harder, you have to run. I keep this chant in my head as I make my escape. Alpha Juan has no idea that I am gone yet. It is too late for anyone to know that I am gone. That is just what I wanted. I studied the patterns of our patrol for three months in order to do this. I just couldn’t take the abuse and mistreatment anymore. Diego was becoming too much and Luna Gabriella was making this so much worse. I started planning this escape well before current events. Focus, stupid, you have to run! I jump over trees and run through the briers that surround the pack. You have to make it to the border. You have to make it. I keep running. I feel my heart racing, and my blood is pumping through my veins. It is getting harder to breathe. I keep looking straight ahead. Don’t look back. Keep running. I have to make it out of here. I have to keep going. The last five years of my life have been full of abuse. I was taken in by Alpha Juan and Luna Gabriella when I was only ten years old. At first, it was a dream come true because my family had died in a horrible accident leaving me alone in this messed up world. They took me in, fed me, clothed me, and educated me the best they could. They even paid for me to have a tutor so I could catch up with the rest of the children my age. It all changed when Diego, who was fifteen at the time, took notice of me. At first, it was nothing more than constant teasing that then turned into me doing his chores. He would pick on me, call me names, pull my hair, the typical stuff boys do to girls. When I would refuse at the beginning, he would just stomp his feet and run off, but things changed when he started to beat me. I have permanent scars on my body from those beatings so long ago. He would use the silver whips and inject me with wolfsbane to hurt me even more. I don’t even have my wolf yet, so why would he do such a thing? Focus! Don’t cry. It’s not worth your tears. Keep running. Keep going. You have to make it to the border. Once you cross, they won’t be able to get to you. Keep going. It didn’t stop at the beatings. As I got older, Alpha Juan decided to get in on the action. If I didn’t do as I was told, he would beat me too. The hand of a shifted alpha is far stronger than that of one who doesn’t have their wolf. It kept getting worse. Luna Gabriella would watch as they beat me into a bloodied heap on the floor. It got to the point where the beatings weren’t satisfying enough for them so they turned to more psychological tactics to hurt me. Diego started to touch me. He would grope and prod until he was truly satisfied with what he had done. He would force me to suck his d**k when I did things that really pissed him off and Alpha Juan would watch. Even after he got his wolf, he would still force me to do those things because ‘you did it before I was eighteen. You can still do it now.’ I never wanted to do those things with him. I never wanted this to happen. I just wanted to be a part of a family. I stumbled and fell. I hit the ground really hard, and I tasted blood in my mouth. Get up! You have to run! Keep running! I stand and spit the blood out of my mouth as I run faster and harder. I feel the sprain in my ankle, but I decided it isn’t worth it to stop. If I become lame from this it will all be worth it so long as I can get away from them. The straw that broke the camel's back was a month ago, on my fifteenth birthday, when Diego had finally gotten bored with me just sucking his d**k. Don’t think about it. Keep running. My quinceanera was meant to be a wonderful day. I had dreamed of it for so long, but it turned into a horrible nightmare. It doesn’t matter. That’s in the past. You can’t change the past. Keep running! After he came down my throat and watched his dad do the same, he tied me to his bed. Keep running, we are almost to the territory border. Keep going! He beat me to a pulp again and then raped me. Don’t cry. You are almost there! He raped me multiple times and his father even joined in on the fun. I screamed and cried and begged for help, but no one came. Luna Gabriella just stood at the door and watched as they did it. They took me together towards the end and even recorded what they were doing. The border is just ahead. Five hundred more feet. We are so close. This kept going and kept going and I was even raped tonight right before I left. I break the tree line and the tears start to flow down my face. I have officially left the territory. I am a rogue. I look around and start to head north. If I follow the roads, they will lead me to a border town on the coast. All I will have to do then is swim across the Gulf of Mexico and then I will be in the United States of America. Boca del Rio Bravo is a high tourist site. I know I can sneak across the border and into the U.S at this point from the Gulf. Thank you, Selene. I have made it out of their territory alive! Please, stay with me as I make my way north. Please, help me and guide me. I pull the straps of my backpack tighter onto my shoulders. Since I had started planning this escape four months ago, I was able to get a lot of items I might and would need. I got several coupons for restaurants and hotels around the area and I made sure that I stole about thirty-five thousand pesos. I knew this would be enough to get me to the border alive. I packed four sets of clothes, two pairs of shoes, and some small travel size toiletries along with a reusable water bottle, a bathing suit, and several nonperishable food items like nuts. I was going to make it. I had to make it. My English wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. I could at least pass as an American citizen to most people outside of my culture. Keep running, you are almost to the highway. I know that when I get to America, my life will change. I know that I will have to worry about other, larger wolf packs, but surely they won’t be hostile towards me because of my ethnicity. Don’t worry about that. Keep running! I make it to the highway and start to head north. I slow down to a simple jog instead of a full blown run. I notice that my ankle is starting to swell from where I fell earlier. It doesn’t matter. I’m free. I’m free from the abuse, the assault, and the mistreatment. f**k this stupid ankle and most importantly f**k Alpha Juan and Luna Gabriella! I hope you both rot in hell for what you two have done. Finally, f**k Diego! I limp faster down the road as the full moon guides me. It is about one o’clock in the morning. I have officially left the territory and will find my way in the outside world. It’s fine. Everything will be so much better because you won’t be here. Just keep going! I limp for about two miles before I make it to a hotel that I have a voucher for. I step into the small lobby of the hotel and look at the man standing behind the counter. He is older and I notice that he is on the verge of sleep. “Um Hola. Me gustaría alquilar una habitación para pasar la noche, por favor. Tengo un bono.” [Um, hello. I would like to rent a room for the night, please. I have a voucher.] The man steps forward and takes the voucher from my hand. He looks at it closely before he looks back at me. Is he going to accept it? He shrugs his shoulders and nods. “Muy bien, una habitación para pasar la noche. También ofrecemos un desayuno gratuito por la mañana. Comienza a las seis y termina a las diez.” [Alright, one room for the night. We give a free breakfast in the morning too. It starts at six o'clock and ends at ten.] I smile as I nod my head and accept the key. “Gracias.” [Thanks.] “De Nada,” [You’re welcome] he replies as I turn and head to the stairs that lead to the second floor of the motel. I make it up to my room and sprawl out on the bed. I know that this night isn’t going to last, but I have at least one night to rest before I continue to run. I have to keep going. I have to keep running. I have to make it out of Mexico and make it to the United States of America. That is what they wanted.
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