Chapter 4: Liam

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***CONTENT WARNING!!!*** THE FOLLOWING CHAPTER DEPICTS EROTIC ACTS READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!! I glide to a stop just outside of a strip club. The glowing red neon sign reads Sultry Full Moon in bold letters across the top of the building. As I cut the engine on my bike, I hear the base from the DJ flow out of the open front doors. The smell of s*x, lust, and arousal fills the air and I know that tonight is going to be a long night. I turn to Noah as I slide my helmet off my head. “Are you sure this is the place you want to take your alpha to have some fun?” He snorts. “No, but I know we are going to have a lot of fun! Come on, the girls are great!” He walks over and slaps a hand on my shoulder. I sigh and dismount my bike. I pocket my keys and decide to carry my helmet inside with me. As we head to the front door, the guy manning the front entrance stops me with a hard hand to my chest. “I need to see some I.D.” I look down at his hand on my chest and then move my gaze slightly up to his. I know he wasn’t thinking when he did this because I noticed he instantly paled and I could feel his heart rate speed up from the palm on my chest. He was about six inches shorter than me and really fat. Yeah, he was big, but it wasn’t muscle that caused him to be that way. “Hey, Mike! He’s with me.” Noah smiles and throws his arm around my shoulders. “He’s my best friend!” This ‘Mike’ seems to relax and nods his head. “Fine, but just teach your friend the house rules. Oh, and be leery tonight. Rosa seems to have her eyes on some big fish that are swimming around tonight.” “Thanks, Mike! We will behave ourselves. He already knows he isn’t allowed to touch the girls!” He starts to push me through the open door before he mumbles under his breath. “Well, unless the girls want you to touch them. Then it's a free game!” I shake my head as we move further into the club. The DJ is playing some deep base music that would normally be played at a nightclub, not a strip club. I look around and notice a lot of guys who seem to be wealthy businessmen. Most of them look to be from the United States, but a few of them are definitely foreign. I decided to mind link Noah instead of trying to scream over the music. Are you still sure this is the place you want us to be at? That Mike character almost lost a hand. Yeah, I’m sure. Mike just isn’t a huge fan of strangers in the club. He is the bouncer and his one job is to keep the girls safe. He takes it seriously, but sometimes his mouth writes a check his ass can’t cash. I’ve had to step in plenty of times to help him out. You mean to tell me you have been getting into fist fights in a brothel for Goddess only knows how long on a regular basis? What the actual f**k Noah! Hey man! You can’t blame me for stepping in. I don’t like the idea of any of these girls getting hurt. I do have to say, I have another reason why we are here tonight. Don’t tell me you are actually going to try and hook me up with one of these strippers, dude. That is not cool and it is not in the cards for the night. No, I am not going to try and hook you up with any of them. I just have one in particular I want you to meet. She has been here for almost two years as a dancer now and I keep getting a weird feeling when I am around her. Not like she is bad or something, just that she shouldn’t be here, you know? Let me go try and find her! You head to the bar and go ahead and buy two drinks. Get me whatever. I don’t care. Fine, but you are buying the drinks tonight. I cut the link and headed over to the bar. I slide onto one of the bar stools and catch the eye of the bartender. “Hey, can I get two whiskeys on the rocks, please?” “Sure thing, buddy. Do you want house or topshelf and do you want to open a tab?” “Yeah, put it under Noah’s name and let’s do topshelf. The bastard owes me a good drink for dragging my ass out here tonight.” She smiles and starts making the drinks for me. I grab them both and smile at her. “Thanks,” I say as I hand her a ten dollar bill. “This is the start of your tip collection for the night.” She smirks and gives me a nice wink. “With a tip like this, I might start over pouring for you.” I chuckle as I turn to leave when suddenly I catch the faintest whiff of something. Cocoa and coffee beans. My eyes start to roam around the club as I search for the source. Surely she didn’t get too far with her scent this strong. She has got to be here. I turn around in a full circle before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and look straight into Noah’s eyes as he smiles and gives me a wink. “Liam, buddy, I want you to meet some friends of mine. This is Sapphire and this is her friend Shimmer.” I look past him and see two strippers standing behind him. Both of them are young, roughly in their late teens or early twenties and both of them are human. What’s with the girls? Sapphire is my mate… My eyes go wide when he links this to me I nod my head and smile brightly. “Hey, ladies! How are we doing tonight?” Sapphire smiles politely, but I see her attention is only on Noah. Even humans are affected by the mate bond. “I’m doing well. I always love to see my biggest supporter and best customer during the night.” “You know, it is such a shame I have to come here just to be able to see you, maybe you should let me take you out on a date? Some nice place would be ideal, but I don’t mind anywhere as long as you aren’t at work.” Noah gives her a small wink and I watch as the blush creeps up her neck and onto her cheeks. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face at their interaction. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You say that every night.” “Yeah, and every night you turn me down. Can I at least get your number tonight? Liam can vouch for me! I’m not a creep, I promise.” He laughs and she shakes her head with a small smile. “I can attest, he isn’t a creep. He is, however, needy as hell and a bit demanding.” I smirk as Sapphire starts laughing. Noah looks at me with stern eyes until he realizes what I’ve just done. You’re welcome. “Maybe I should give you a shot. You are always here and every night you send me home with enough money to pay my rent and buy my groceries for the week. I guess I could give you one little date outside of here.” She takes out a slip of paper from her bra strap and slides it into his palm. “I get off when the club closes. I’ll be waiting for your text when I get off.” She gives him a soft kiss on the cheek as she grabs Shimmer’s hand and drags her off into the club. Noah looks dumb struck as he looks between her fleeting body and the piece of paper she just placed in his hand. He opened it and looked down at the note. He started grinning from ear to ear and then raised his hand to the spot where she kissed him. “I got her number. I really got her number.” He snaps his head up and looks me in the eye with gratitude. “Do you know how long I have been trying to get her number? Do you know how long I have played the waiting game for this moment?” I shake my head and chuckle. “If I had to guess about two years?” He nods his head in disbelief. “I had to work her over so much just to get her to trust me enough to give me constant private lap dances. I gave her all of my money and more just so she wouldn’t accept a dance from any other guy. That’s why I am always here every single night that she works. I buy her two drinks for the night and pay for three lap dances so she won’t have to worry about Rosa kicking her out or taking her contract.” “Who is Rosa?” Noah takes a swig of his drink before he answers me. “Rosa is the house mom. She takes care of the girls and runs the club. Really, she is the owner, but she doubles as the house mom so she won’t have to pay for someone else to truly take care of the girls. She is abusive, manipulative, and all together rude. She forces the girls into a three year contract that states they have to tip out a pretty significant portion of their total tips along with paying for house fees, stage fees, DJ fees, and if they don’t meet the two drinks and lap dance requirements, they have to pay those too. I want to get her out of here, she doesn’t deserve this life. None of the girls do, but she is my mate.” I nod my head. “I understand. Let me know what I can do to help.” He smirks. “You have already done so much. You got me her phone number. I mean, maybe she was already planning on giving it to me, but she never hinted at doing it before tonight.” I nod and smile bigger. “How about we continue to drink and enjoy the dancers?” “I like the sound of that,” he smiles as he tips his glass back and finishes off his drink. “I’m going up to get another one. Do you want one?” I smile and shake my head. “Nah, man. I’m good right now. Just don’t get lost.” He snickers as he runs back over to the bar. I turn my attention back towards the stage as the bottle blonde finishes her dance. Sapphire and Shimmer both danced next before the DJ made an announcement. “Alright, gentlemen. It is now time for the Main Event to show us what she’s got for the night! You all know her and we all love her! Give it up for Luna as she makes her first performance of the night!” The crowd starts to roar as Luna takes the stage. I see her and my heart stops. I take a sharp inhale of breath and realize I recognize her scent. Cocoa and coffee beans. She is gorgeous in every aspect. She has huge breasts that I know will fit into my hands perfectly. Her caramel skin seems smooth and glows under the stage lights. Her thick brown hair is curled tightly into a high ponytail that flows down her back. She is wearing a beautiful pink set under a black dress with butterfly high heels. She seems like she would be short without them, but from what I can see, she is about as tall as Mia with the heels on. Her thick lips turn up at the corners into a sly smirk as she struts onto the stage to some EDM song. She turns to the DJ and gives him a slight nod and her first song comes on. She has chosen DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3 for her first dance. As soon as the song gets through the first verse, she rips the dress apart to showcase her beautiful curves and just how much of her we can see through the outfit choice. I can’t help it, but I growl when the other patrons start to cheer. She swings around the pole and throws her hips out and shows off her flexibility. The crowd goes crazy as the dollar bills rain down on her. The straw that broke the camel's back was when she ripped off the top and exposed her beautiful breasts to the whole room. I couldn’t control the growl that tore through my chest and stopped the club in its tracks.
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