Done Deal

2400 Words

Alias: “Wake up!” I heard someone shout.  I opened my eyes and sat up on in the hotel bed. A hard knock came on the door and Lincoln went to answer it. He moved out of the way and Adonis walked in with Ayden behind him.  “You’re always coming up with some crazy shit.” Adonis told me as he walked over to my side of the bed. I got up and we both hugged. Then, I turned to Ayden. “Who’s with Jesslyn?” I asked him. “Mia and Natalie.” He answered. I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why is Natalie at my house?” “She’s been helping with Jesslyn.” Ayden told me. “She’s been very helpful.” Adonis told me before his eyes moved to Ayden.  At first I didn’t get it, so I brushed it past me and walked over to where my clothes were. Mason was already dressed and Lincoln was as well. I threw my clothe

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