Who Is This Woman?

1224 Words

Williams POV. The boardroom was silent, a tension-filled silence as the quarterly projections were being discussed. My mind was deeply focused on the figures and strategies when suddenly, the door burst open. My P.A. stumbled in, looking like he had been in a brawl, his shirt untucked and his hair disheveled. Everything came to a halt. Irritation surged through me. “What’s the meaning of this?” I demanded, my tone sharp. “Sir, I-I’m sorry,” he stammered, trying to catch his breath. “I tried to tell her that you were busy, but she fought with me and pushed me out of the way.” Before he could finish, Jessica stormed in, her face red with fury, her cheeks swollen with several handprints which indicated that she was slapped to all hell and back. And her eyes, that were blazing. She was a s

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