CHAPTER 10: Running Away from the Truth

1239 Words

  Amelie   "There's a ritual. It's dangerous and painful, but it will unbind you from Tate," my mother quickly retorted.   I was frozen in shock, "you want me to become a Scarred One? Are you serious?! Do any of you care for me at all?!" I was screaming at this point.   I turned and ran. I went straight to my room tossed everything in my suitcase. I grabbed my phone and texted Tate. "I'm heading home early. I'll see you soon."   I got a reply right away, "see you soon then." I don't know why but his text seemed off-putting to me. I brushed it off. I was between a rock and a hard place, and I was choosing the hard place. I rushed down the stairs to the door. I wasn't going to stop for anything, not even to say goodbye to my siblings. I get to the car and throw my suitcase in the back se

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