2185 Words
Aaliyah watched as Emir’s eyes deepen with that same dark emotion again. Up so close, she could better discern the two main emotions in the smoldering specters – pain and guilt. Her breath caught in her throat and her hand automatically went to caress his cheek. For the sole purpose of offering comfort. There was a connection between them which she couldn’t explain. “There were things which went wrong between us, and those unfortunate incident c…changed you,” he answered hoarsely. She really didn’t have to ask if the change was for the better or for worse. The answer was blatant in his eyes. She’d definitely done things that she would regret if she found out now. A very uncomfortable knot settled in the pit of her stomach, and she tried not to ruminate about how things could have gone worse. “So, you’re afraid that history is going to repeat itself? That I will somehow change back into my bad avatar when I remember whatever deadly things that I might have done in the past?” Emir sighed again. “Frankly, I wish you never remember the past. Now that I have my Aaliyah back, I hope we never get to the point where we lost each other again. We’ve been given another chance and we’ll take things in stride.” She dipped her head slightly to practically force him to meet her gaze as she asked the question which had been gnawing her for weeks. “Why did you ignore me after the night we slept together?” she asked boldly. “Do you regret what happened between us? Do you want to pretend that…”? In contrast to her assumption, he dipped his head towards her lips to steal a languorous kiss which took her breath away. She should preserve herself better – what if he blew cold on her again? She would simply kick his ass if he behaved atrociously once again. She would give in to him only this time. He was like a drug she couldn’t resist. With a gulp, she opened her mouth for his sweet invasion, her tongue shooting out to mesh with his. The lukewarm wet feeling of his tongue on hers got her so turned on that her n*****s started to peak into two rigid buds. They grated against the rough material of her shirt smarting with arousal. When he grabbed them, she almost swooned in relief and moaned loudly as pleasure blinded her. They’d been dying for him to touch them. Was it just her or were her erogenous zones somehow more sensitive to his caress? It’s always been like that between them. She could remember now how their torrid relationship had suddenly gone uncontrollably ablaze, burning both of them in the unexpected fiery flame. Where they’d had s*x in his office without even removing their clothes. There was that day he’d possessed her like a maniac in the parking lot. Or the day they’d completely lost control in the kitchen at Emir’s apartment. That was the day when he’d confessed his love for her. It had been one of those nights where things had gotten out of hands, and when she’d been trying to break up with him. For the hundredth time. It had never worked before. He would not let her. Of course, at that time he’d only been clinging because he hadn’t found out the truth about the fact that she was a vampire yet. Once he discovered what a monster she actually was, he wouldn’t think twice about rejecting her. Maybe that was why she’d been stalling with the truth. Because she didn’t want to let him go? Aaliyah couldn’t believe how foolish she’d been to let herself fall in love again. With a human this time. Like falling for a werewolf hadn’t been bad enough. Once bitten twice shy, wasn’t that what they said? “Emir,” she’d started hesitantly as she’d been twisting the end of her dress still searching for a way to break the news to him. Last time she’d tried, he’d so perfectly whisked her away from the topic that her head had been whirling once he’d done with her. “Remember what we talked about last time?” She picked an imaginary dust from her dress – it was weird to be so nervous to break off with a guy when she was such a fearful vampire. “Last time?” he turned his head which was resting on her lap towards her. “You mean when you were trying to give me petty excuse about how you’re thinking of moving to Indiana with your folks.” Well, she had tried that, and he’d tagged it down as an unsignificant thing when he’d challenged her about the reason of her move, and she’d been unable to answer him properly. Telling him the truth about her being a vampire was not only forbidden but was also not something she was keen on. If the other vampires got to know that a human was aware of their existence, that would endanger Emir’s life. A risk she wasn’t willing to take at any cost. “Yeah exactly. The thing is that my mother’s been feeling unwell lately and my parents want me back home. I wasn’t very keen on telling you the truth about my mom’s personal problem. You didn’t seem very understanding the last time.” She felt like a heel when his eyes clouded in concern at her lie. Her mother’s been dead for years, had been killed by a witch which had forced her to take the lead over vampires. After vampire’s been creating havoc with the other species, the only choice she’d had to stop the chaos was to establish some ground rules within her peers. It hadn’t been about asserting her place or showing off her powers. Only a desperate attempt to control blood thirsty monsters. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I won’t ask what’s wrong with your mother then. But how is she? I mean what can I do to help?” he lifted his head from his position to stare at her, his hand cradling her face tenderly. “Nothing. I mean, not for the moment,” she hastily replied and placed her large coffee mug on the table near them. She hated herself for doing this to him, to them. But she’d come to terms with the fact that there was no ‘them’. Not really. A human-vampire relationship was not only a proscriptive one but ludicrous. There was no way a blood sucking creature could fall in love with the victim. She’d been reigning that blood thirst for him for so many days now. After every orgasm he gave her, she craved for his scent and taste and had to make extra effort to stop herself. “Okay, for how long are you going away? I hope it’s no for too long. Please don’t worry about leaves and all. I’ll take care of all that for you. You just go to them and help them in every way you can. Don’t worry about anything here. I’ll water your plants and hire someone to clean your apartment.” Yay! So much for the excuse. He was a guy who planned ahead without blinking an eye. How to tell him that the move was permanent now? “Well…I’m not sure for how long I’m going to be there. I guess it will be until they need me. If you don’t mind.” “Of course! I’ll be visiting as soon as I can free myself from certain commitments. I’ll clear my calendar for you…” “Oh no! That’s not what my folks would want. They wouldn’t want anyone around for a while. You know it’s going to be a bit awkward to have you around especially when you haven’t met my parents before. You’re a total stranger. Why don’t we wait until things get better before you come over?” Emir had stared at her in consternation but had kept his reserves to himself. That night, she’d fled to her apartment after another mind-blowing two orgasms round. She’d shamelessly taken one last for the road, for life in her case. It was true that she was moving to Indiana to her father’s castle for a while. She needed her space to recover from Emir. He’d barged into her life unexpectedly and she’d hardly had time to deal with that. She smelled the intruder before he could appear in her room, and she was quicker to anticipate the movement by whirling around just in time to stare back in the familiar green eyes of her father. The latter practically never visited her in Boston as he thought it was a much busier city than Indiana. “Dad?” she asked blinking in surprise. “What are you doing here?” “Is it true? Is what I’m hearing true?!” her father roared in a furious growl, seeming to forget that he was not her parent anymore. She’d taken the right from him when he’d forced her to turn him into a vampire. From the outside, all they saw was her immortality, her powers and her strength. However, being a vampire wasn’t only about those things. The downside was that one tended to lose a piece of their soul somewhere along the way. Drinking blood from humans had the tendency to do that. “Depends on what you heard,” she answered calmly. “Are you dating a human? Are you f*cking one of those weak homosapien who is our food? Is what I heard true? Are you bringing disgrace to our community? You being the queen and all?!” Ah there it was! The ever-present resentment and jealousy that Clegane bore towards her because she’d dared taken things in her own hands. Irrespective of the fact that she was actually stronger and faster, that she’d been the one to turn them into immortals. “What is actually bothering you?” she queried, flinging her clothes into her suitcase with such vigor that it would have scared anyone else off. “The fact that he’s a human or that I am the queen?” A sigh escaped the man opposite him. “A human, Al? Is that really what you’ve come to? Does he even know that you’re a vampire? How is he ever going to survive in our world? Have you lost your mind?” Aaliyah didn’t have the time to answer. Her father’s scent was overridden by another human one, and she placed it one second too late. Emir Royal was right here in the room, and considering the horrified look in his brown eyes, there was mistaking that he’d overheard everything. Her heart sank to her toes, and she grabbed her father’s throat as the latter lounged for Emir. It was pure reflex for a vampire to seek out a human, especially a vampire not that strong as herself who could not contain his hunger. “Let me go! Is that him?” Clegane snarled with his vampire fangs showing and if there was a probably that Emir hadn’t overheard before, his shocked mind was a dead giveaway. “Em, I can explain,” she tried desperately holding her struggling father in place while she tried to look at Emir with a pleading look. She hadn’t planned on him to find out about her like that! Hell, she hadn’t even wanted him to discover that she was a vampire. Considering the things which were going on in his mind right now, him not knowing would have been the right call. It took only a second of distraction for her father to release from her hold and jump on Emir. A shocked gasp escaped her as her father sunk his fang in Emir’s neck without wasting one second. She whooshed towards him and pulled Clegane back with a rough shove. “You mess with him - you mess with me!” she threatened not-so-subtly. “Get out of here if you don’t want me to snap your neck like I did with Jadeite.” The cruel dig was for the benefit of both herself and her father. She needed to remind herself what she was capable of. What atrocious thing she’d done in order to keep the vampire’s community afloat. Sometimes, she hated the responsibility that being the queen was enforced on her. Thankfully, her father retreated by vanishing from the room without a fight. She was about to turn to face the man she loved when she froze in absolute shock at the thought in his mind. This explains everything!!! The mysterious disappearances, the prevarication that I could never explain, the freaking out every time I get near. It’s only because she had that dark secret about her being a vampire. A vampire. Does this mean she drinks human blood? Why doesn’t this truth change the feelings I have for her? How can I still love a creature who kills others for pleasure?
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