The All-Seeing Eye

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“Listen up everyone, our target is codenamed “*****” he was an orphan but when he reached adolescence he was gifted with the ability to see the future, in other words he is a “CLAIRVOYANT”.” Our leader said as he showed the picture of the target. ‘He is a clairvoyant huh? But if he can really see the future then he might have already made some preparations about his pursuers. I need to confirm this to leader.’ I thought to myself as I immediately raise my hand. “Sir, if he is a clairvoyant then he might have seen the future where we will come and get him.” I asked. “That is a great thing to point out, the target did not contact the leaders for almost a few decades, thus the leaders did not have any information about him nor his whereabouts but that all change a few years ago when one of the leaders caught a glimpse of him when the leader went to the border near sector four. So even without the help from supernatural abilities, the leaders concluded that the target might be settling.” The leader replied as he turned to the other things that we need to do and consider. Our unit then moved out immediately after getting the order to move. ‘What is this feeling? Why is my heart telling me that there is something incredibly wrong?’ I thought to myself as I feel my heart tightening, it is times like these that you must trust your gut feeling. I stumbled on this information through the internet and even thought my gut feeling is overwhelming me, I shove the thoughts of failing the given mission back in my head as we pass through several sectors using the private plane that the institute provided. We arrived at sector four after three hours of flight, while the plane is being refueled we immediately left for our mission. We reached the place where the target is probably staying based on the information that we gathered on our way, it was then that our hearts drowned. “His place was caught on fire earlier and there were no reports of survivors from the authorities.” One of the strangers we asked answered with a suspicious expression. “Thank you very much for the information sister, we really appreciate your help.” I said as I bow my head. The strangers then left the instant I thanked them as they bid us farewell. “Don’t you feel strange about what they told us? Did the target really saw the future where we will come and get him?” one of my subordinates mutter after the strangers left on a safe distance. ‘He is right, it really felt off. The house of the target catching fire in the same day our operation was authorized is clearly not a mere coincidence, some unknown variable is definitely behind this. The target really must have seen this future.’ I tried analyze the situation in my head as our leader contacts the headquarters for the time being to report the current development of the situation. A man sitting not too far away from the group that the institute organized is stealing glances at them as he drinks his coffee on a nearby café shop. ‘Just as it is in my vision, they really did sent a group to fetch me. Now that you are facing a great calamity you went and turned to me when you just ignored and labeled me a lunatic? The news must have shaken the institute’s core foundation greatly, heh now let’s see how far will you fall Pandora’s Institute.’ I grin as soon as I saw how the institute might fall without the help of my ability. “Is there a problem Mr. Hori?” the man in front of me asked. ‘He must have seen me grin, what does my face look right now?’ I thought to myself as I wiped the grin off my face. “There is no problem Mr. Ferlin, I just thought of something interesting to see.” I replied with a smile in my face. ‘Oops, looks like I grinned again.’ I covered my mouth. “Hmmmm, if you say that something interesting is going to happen then it must be true. You are codenamed “Smoke, the All-Seeing Eye” Arman Hori after all.” He said with a smile on his face. “Please don’t make me recall such embarrassing memories. I have long forgotten those embarrassing yet promising days. My time has passed and now I am just a measly pebble on the shore.” I retorted with a calm expression. “We arrived at the area- wow look at how much this place is burned down!” The leader exclaimed after seeing the remaining pillar of the wooden house burning to ashes. “This place is a mess, there is not even a single thing left.” I said as I tried to pick us some things in my hand but as soon as I touch them they crumbled to dust. ‘That’s really strange- how can a normal fire burn down the entire house? It is only impossible if the tree they used is pretty old even when you used some things to prolong and keep it durable, it will tend to leave even a small chunks of wood. I don’t believe someone like him would use lumber that is unreliable unless’ “You have quite an unusual ability Mr. Ferlin, to be able to age the tree so that it will burn to dust smoothly. That is quite thorough of you.” I flashed a smile as I compliment his ability. “My ability is nothing as amazing as you Mr. Hori, to be able to see the future is a dream for most people in this era.” He complimented back. “But we all know our abilities are nothing compared to the person that I am serving under right now.” He added with a smile on his face. “I know right? Isn’t immortality a great ability to have? To think an ability like that would exist, Pandora’s Box really is unfair. The abilities that are popping out right now is quite inferior to the older generations. Well, I guess the House of Cards did it to balance out the power just as you said.” I said after I took a sip from my cup. “Now then, tell me about that boss of yours, I am quite interested you see.” I added as we both smiled at each other. 
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