Chapter 53

1322 Words

~Harlow~ "Yes, I am sorry about that, Alpha. She forgot to take her suppressants this morning," Thane says, placing his hand on my shoulder and forcing his face away from my neck. "Sorry, sorry. Where are my manners?" the Alpha says, staring at my unmarked neck as he takes a step back. "Shall we continue the meeting?" he says. I wait for him to out me, but he never does. Thane leads me into the conference room. "Such pretty little things, Omegas. I should know, I’ve gone through plenty of them," Alpha Jake states, watching me as Thane leads me to his side of the table. I’m on autopilot. I can't think, speak, or do anything. I just stare in horror as my instincts tell me to flee or fall at their feet. They go about their business. However, the Alpha's eyes keep darting toward me. I b

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