Chapter 62

1310 Words

~Harlow~ Limbs wrap around limbs. It’s hard to determine where one body starts and another ends. I’m tangled amongst the sheets and surrounded by potent Alpha scents. Every part of their skin that brushes mine is tingling and itching, as if their touch is trying to delve through the layers of my skin and override all rational sense. I say rational sense, because suffocating under their potency seems to be something I am struggling with as I try to replay the events that have me waking up in bed with the four Alphas. The soft, steady heartbeat beneath my ear tells me I am laying on someone. That someone is Thane, his masculine scent invading my senses and making my mouth water. Turning my head, I find Rhen beside us, his face so close. His lips mere inches from mine, where his head res

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