Chapter 68

1639 Words

~Harlow~ Later that night, my bond nags and screams at me until I finally contact Leon, needing him to come over. It is 1 a.m., and I’m still awake. My body feels wired, feral. But Leon doesn't come. Instead, it’s Raidon who knocks on my door. I stare at him as he stands in the doorway. He doesn't smell of the strange Omega anymore, which I am thankful for. I don't think my bond could handle smelling her again tonight. We stand there awkwardly. Today is the first time I’ve seen him since Thane kicked me out. "Thane wouldn't let Leon or Rhen come, so…" he shrugs as if he’s some sort of offering to replace them. I say nothing, just step aside, allowing him to enter. He looks at the torn sheets on the bed and sighs. My mini Den is ruined, destroyed, and so is the mattress. "I will have the

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