Chapter 80

1097 Words

ONE WEEK LATER ~Harlow~ I have been down here for a week now, and I am going stir-crazy. There is no TV down here, no window low enough for me to look out of, only the bed and the bathroom, plus a few storage boxes at the far back. I rummaged through them and only managed to find some paperwork and a red pen, along with an old lamp shade. On day two, I tried the windows, but I couldn't get them to unlock. I thought about smashing them but knew they would hear, and I’m not sure punching one is a good idea. I would probably only end up hurting myself. So instead, I do what I do every day, shower and sleep. I eat whenever Thane or the housekeeper opens the door and sets food on the top step. I tried waiting by the door a couple of times, but the mealtimes are so random that I would end up

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