The Last Tribe of Humans - Tina Cyr

4822 Words
The Last Stand The night sky stretched above me, its velvety expanse dotted with stars that seemed to shimmer with uncertainty. The air was heavy with foreboding, despite the ongoing festivities. The tribe members were gathered around a campfire, feasting on our summer crops and listening to the Elders tell the story of my love, Seraphina. “Gather ’round, young ones, and listen closely to the tale of our tribe, the last tribe of humans in the mystical realm of Eldoria. I shall weave the story of our past so you may understand the strength and resilience that flows within your veins. “Several years ago, our ancestors faced a world where humans were but playthings for powerful supernatural beings. We were exploited and forced to bend to the will of those deemed superior. Our days were filled with suffering and sorrow. “Eventually, the cycles turned, and the currents of fate shifted. Our remarkable leader emerged, Seraphina. She is a formidable, beautiful, strong woman, a beacon of hope in a world that sought to extinguish our light. “Under Seraphina’s guidance, our tribe defied the supernatural dominion that loomed over Eldoria. We fought for our freedom, standing tall against our oppressors. Some still hope to return to the old ways, where humans were mere pawns in their power struggles. But we stand firm, refusing to be enslaved once more.” Seraphina, my love, our leader, was a fierce warrior standing 6 feet tall and with rippling muscles. Her skin was a flawless shade of ebony, and I would continually get lost in her soulful black eyes. She embodied strength, empathy and kindness like they were the most natural virtues to possess. She made me want to be a better person. My beauty paled at my 5 foot 6 inches, white grey hair and grey eyes compared to Seraphina’s. But I was as fierce a warrior as her, and we had been fighting in the rebellion against the supernatural species for the last years. An Act of War While I knew the story by heart, I never tired of listening to the Elders retell Seraphina’s story. I was daydreaming about that time not so long ago when we fought valiantly and earned our independence and liberty from the supernaturals. Suddenly, the guards sounded the alarm. The horn resonated on the mounts on each side of our village, nestled in a valley. I rushed to the gate where the alarm came from. Several of our guards were severely hurt, unconscious, or worse. I desperately sought survivors, someone who could tell me what happened. “Ezra, it’s Seraphina.” Galen came up to me from behind. “The Troll infiltrated the village and took her.” Seraphina, my love, had been taken from us, and the weight of her absence pressed heavily upon my heart. With every fibre of my being, I vowed to rescue Seraphina from the clutches of the malevolent Troll. I quickly sprang into action, driven by my determination. I knew the path before me would be treacherous, fraught with dangers and uncertainty. Yet, I couldn’t allow fear to deter me from the task. Seraphina’s love flowed through my veins, infusing me with an unyielding strength. “Galen, Roran, and Lysandra, quickly gather your weapons. We leave at once.” My loyal companion, Stardust, stood at my side, providing comfort and support. His magical essence shimmered around us, his silver mane gleaming like moonlight. Together, the five of us embarked on a perilous quest into the heartland of Eldoria, venturing into the unknown to rescue our beloved leader. The Bridge The path through the treacherous landscapes of Eldoria stretched out before us. The road was winding like a serpent through thickets and over rugged terrain. My loyal companion Stardust soared above, his golden wings sparkling in the sunlight. Together, we pressed forward, navigating the perils that awaited us. Our first challenge arrived too soon. We faced a narrow rope bridge that didn’t seem stable. Stardust flew over it quickly and came to report back to us. “The rope bridge dangles precariously, swaying dangerously with each gust of wind. But from what I could see, it should hold. To be safe, take turns crossing.” Everyone nodded. “I will go first. Let’s not push our luck. Stardust, keep an eye out for me, will you?” Ezra said with determination. As I stepped onto the creaking wooden planks, an eerie sense of foreboding settled upon us. Little did we know, a helper of the Troll lurked in the shadows, intent on sabotaging our journey. As I crossed the swaying bridge, the atmosphere thickened with tension. Suddenly, wicked laughter echoed through the air, sending a chill down my spine. I gazed at the other side of the canyon, only to witness the sight of the bridge being mercilessly severed by a shadowy figure. Panic surged within me as I realized the danger I was in. The bridge splintered beneath my feet, the fragile support crumbling away. With each passing moment, the ravine yawned wider, threatening to swallow me whole. I grasped at the fraying ropes, desperately seeking an anchor in this swirling sea of chaos. But just as despair threatened to consume me, Stardust’s wings unfurled with a brilliant shimmer. He swooped down, his grace defying the laws of gravity, and snatched me from the precipice of doom. Clinging to his back, I felt relief and gratitude wash over me. My loyal companion had come to my rescue in the nick of time. “Buddy, your timing was perfect.” “I’ve got you, Ezra.” Together, we soared above the fractured remnants of the bridge. We went back to the ledge to meet with our friends. “It’ll take days to find another crossing,” I said. “We have to split up. Stardust and I will push on while you guys head to the other crossing.” “Ezra, we shouldn’t split up,” Roran argued. “I’m not risking Seraphina’s well-being. We will push on separately.” My friends were worried about me, but I was more concerned about Seraphina. Stardust and I took off. The wind whipped through my hair, and a renewed determination bloomed. This would not be our last obstacle as we continued our journey. The fractured bridge would become a symbol of the trials we would encounter. It served as a reminder that our path would be fraught with danger and that we possessed the strength and resilience to navigate the chaos. With Stardust by my side, I knew we could overcome any challenge. And so, with Stardust as my guide and protector, we ventured deeper into the mystical world of Eldoria. We were ready to face whatever trials awaited us on our path to victory. With each step forward, our resolve grew stronger. We pressed on, driven by a love that transcended the boundaries of the physical realm. Our quest to rescue Seraphina and free our tribe from the clutches of oppression burned brighter than ever before. Respite In Eldoria, unicorns and humans had a special bond dating back to ancient times. Unicorns were known as the guardians of nature and possessed a deep reverence for the sanctity of life. Unicorns were said to be drawn to individuals whose hearts resonate with purity, kindness, and a genuine love for the world around them. I met Stardust randomly on a hike in the luscious forest surrounding our village. He was a magnificent golden and winged stallion unicorn. But when I met him, he had been in a fight with the Troll and was gravely hurt. I nursed him back to health, and we quickly bonded. He has been by my side ever since. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over the land, Stardust and I paused for a moment of respite. We found ourselves in a small clearing, bathed in the soft light filtering through the canopy above. Stardust quickly discovered a patch of pineapple growing in the field. These were his favourite fruit. I reached into my pack to retrieve a knife to pick and prepare some for us. “Stardust,” I began, the words slipping from my lips as I took a bite of the succulent fruit, “have you felt as though we’re being watched? As if eyes unseen are tracing our every move?” “I think so, Ezra,” Stardust replied. “We must remain vigilant, for we tread upon the ground that is not entirely ours.” I nodded, a sense of unease prickling at the nape of my neck. In the fading light, we finished our snack, leaving no trace of our presence behind. The path ahead was treacherous. Our bond kept us going and our hearts burning, determined to save Seraphina and bring her back home. Finding the Troll’s lair After a good night’s rest, Stardust and I were on our way early to the Troll’s mountain. As I approached the deceptive entry of the Troll’s lair, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of determination mixed with a tinge of anxiety. The cunning Troll had created what appeared to be an appealing sanctuary. However, he constructed a series of booby traps in a long maze to trap humans. The Troll’s cunning choice to place the entry higher up the mountain, beyond the reach of most humans, was a calculated move to ward off potential attackers. With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to Stardust. It was a difficult decision, but one that was necessary for the element of surprise. I watched as he soared into the skies, hidden from the Troll’s view, ready to come to my aid when the time was right. As I entered the treacherous maze, I moved with caution and precision. My senses were sharp, detecting even the faintest hint of danger, and I knew I was more than capable of overcoming whatever lay ahead. A Maze of Booby Traps As I ventured further into the heart of the maze, I stood before the bewildering hall of mirrors. This perplexing challenge seemed straight out of a dream. Countless reflections of myself stared back, multiplying into an endless sea of images, taunting me with their distorted smiles and accusing glares. My breath caught in my throat as I felt the disorienting effect of the maze, threatening to pull me into its enigmatic grasp. Ezra, trust your instincts. Seraphina would have told me. Remember what our ancestors taught us - your heart will guide you through this hall of mirrors. I closed my eyes briefly, shutting out the myriad reflections that mocked my every move. With Seraphina’s words echoing, I let my other senses take over. I relied on the subtle changes in the air, the temperature, and even the surrounding sounds to discern reality from illusion. In this ethereal space, my intuition took hold as I inched forward with cautious steps. Each movement was deliberate, and I let my heart guide me through the maze of mirrors. It was a dance with my reflections, the trickster Troll’s attempt to deceive me, but I refused to succumb to the illusion. The chilling sensation of a cool breeze on my cheek led me in a particular direction. My eyes remained shut, for I knew my vision alone would betray me. The subtle shift in the echo of my footsteps guided me further into the hall until the reflections began to lose clarity. The maze resisted me, but I relied on my instincts and continued. I knew my ancestors were watching over me, guiding me through this ordeal. As I traversed the confusing expanse, I felt a sense of oneness with my surroundings, as if the maze was revealing its secrets. When I embraced this profound connection, a hidden passage revealed itself amidst the mirrors. A flicker of relief washed over me, but I knew the challenges were far from over. With renewed determination, I pressed forward, leaving the bewildering hall behind. Each step was a testament to my resilience, unyielding spirit, and wisdom from my tribe. As I ventured deeper into the Troll’s lair, I knew I could face whatever lay ahead. The Troll’s tricks might be cunning, but I was determined to emerge victorious for the last tribe of humans and the unwavering spirit within me. As I neared the heart of the maze, an ominous aura enveloped me, and the walls seemed to pulse with malevolent energy. The shifting and moving walls loomed before me, a relentless adversary that sought to confound my every step. It was as if the maze had come alive, mocking my determination to conquer it. You can do this. I whispered to myself. Trust your instincts, and remember your love for Seraphina and loyalty to the Tribe. My heart whispered the wisdom of my tribe’s teachings, reminding me I was never alone in this perilous journey. I devised a strategy to outwit the cunning maze. My keen mind analyzed the patterns and movements, and I marked my path with small, subtle symbols. Each unique symbol promised to lead me back if I encountered a dead-end or needed clarification. As I ventured into the twisting corridors, I took each step with calculated precision. The walls seemed to taunt me, shifting and rearranging themselves with mischievous glee. But I refused to be swayed by their deceitful dance. My memory became a compass, guiding me through the labyrinthine puzzle. Seraphina’s voice echoed in my mind, encouraging me to stay calm and focused. “Trust in yourself, Ezra,” she would have told me if she was here with me. With every turn and twist, I followed the trail of symbols I had left behind, retracing my steps as the walls attempted to entrap me. I felt a rush of pride and satisfaction as the seemingly insurmountable challenge slowly revealed its weaknesses. A triumphant smile graced my lips as I emerged from the clutches of the maze’s ever-shifting walls. The victory was mine. The Troll’s most cunning trap had been conquered, and I felt profound gratitude for the guidance and strength that had brought me through. Ezra against the Troll The moment had come. I stood at the mouth of the Troll’s lair, my heart pounding with fear and determination. Seraphina’s captivity had fueled my resolve, and now I faced the formidable creature that had held her captive. This battle would determine the fate of our tribe, the last tribe of humans in Eldoria. The Troll roared, its monstrous form towering before me. Its eyes burned with a malevolent fire, and I could feel its power radiating through the air, suffocating and heavy. But it would not intimidate me. With every breath, I drew strength from the love that burned within me, propelling me forward. As the Troll lunged at me, I ducked and weaved, evading its massive fists. My goal was to get him out of his lair into the sunlight. The brightness of the day would impair his vision, and Stardust could help me defeat him. I started running towards him and barely managed to slide between his legs. He was taking the bait. My heart raced as I glanced back at the pursuing Troll. With every step I took, the heavy thud of his massive feet echoed behind me. As I rounded a corner, a glimmer of sunlight caught my eye, filtering through a crack in the cavern walls. My footsteps quickened, weaving through the labyrinthine tunnels. The air grew fresher, and the distant chirping of birds spurred me onward. I needed to reach the exit before the Troll caught up. Finally, I burst out into the open, greeted by the warmth of the sun’s embrace. “Stardust, he’s right behind me,” I called out, my voice echoing through the eerie silence of the surroundings. “Come to me.” Just as I had hoped, a radiant burst of golden light filled the air, and Stardust gracefully descended from above. The Troll followed, driven by rage, but as he stumbled over rocks and tree roots, the blinding glare disoriented him. Unbeknownst to me, my companions had found a magical portal that brought them to the Troll’s lair. As I glanced over my shoulder, my heart soared with relief and joy at the sight of Galen, Roran, and Lysandra standing resolutely behind me. “We’re here for you, Lyra,” Lysandra said, her voice steady and determined. “We wouldn’t let you face the Troll alone,” Roran added, his grip on his trusty sword firm. With my tribe reunited and stronger, I felt a newfound hope. “Thank you all,” I said, gratitude filling my voice. “With your help, we can defeat the Troll and end the darkness that plagues Eldoria.” As we waited for the Troll to appear, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of trepidation and excitement. This was the moment we had been preparing for, the culmination of our journey. I glanced at Stardust, finding solace in our bond, knowing he would be by my side through every twist and turn of the impending fight. The ground beneath us trembled, and a low growl reverberated. The Troll emerged from the shadows, its towering figure casting a menacing shadow over us. Its eyes gleamed with malice, and bared its sharp teeth in a sinister grin. “This is our chance,” Galen whispered. I nodded, my focus narrowing on the Troll. “Stardust, let’s do this together,” I said, my voice unwavering. The battle erupted into a whirlwind of chaos and fury. The Troll’s massive form loomed over us, his eyes burning with hostility. With a silent understanding, we leaped into action. Stardust’s golden wings glimmered as he soared into the air, striking the Troll from above, while I darted in and out of its reach, wielding my blade with precision. “Take this!” Roran bellowed, lunging forward to deliver a decisive blow to the Troll’s leg. Galen, the mighty warrior, charged forward first, swinging his broadsword with all his might. The Troll retaliated with a brutal swipe of his clawed hand, sending Galen flying backward. Roran, the agile and cunning fighter, launched a volley of arrows at the creature. The Troll howled in pain as the arrows found their mark, but his determination was unwavering. Lysandra, the stealthy and swift warrior, emerged from the shadows, her daggers glinting in the sunlight. She sliced at the Troll’s ankles quickly and precisely, aiming to bring him down to his knees. But the Troll’s thick hide proved formidable, and he turned his attention to her, swiping with his massive club. Lysandra barely managed to dodge, rolling out of harm’s way. As the Troll focused on Lysandra, I saw my chance. I lunged forward, my silver and white hair billowing in the wind, and delivered a series of rapid strikes with my twin swords. The Troll grunted in pain, his attention shifting back to me. It was a calculated risk, and I used my speed and agility to evade his powerful blows. Stardust circled above, his golden wings pulsing with magical energy. He unleashed radiant blasts of light with each flap, aiding our attacks and disrupting the Troll’s focus. His presence was a beacon of hope, inspiring us to fight with all our might. As the battle raged on, we pushed ourselves to the limits, fueled by determination and a shared purpose. We knew that this fight was not just for ourselves but for our tribe and our beloved leader, Seraphina. Galen charged in once more, distracting the Troll with his brute force. Roran’s arrows found their mark, targeting the creature’s eyes and hindering his vision. Lysandra danced around him, delivering precise strikes to his joints, weakening his movements. I could feel the strength of our unity, the unbreakable bond forged through hardship and triumph. In a final, coordinated effort with Stardurst, we delivered a mighty blow that sent the Troll stumbling backward, defeated. As its menacing presence dissipated, I felt a surge of triumph and relief. We had emerged victorious, not as individuals, but as a tribe - united and stronger than ever before. Reunion As I approached the place where Seraphina had been imprisoned, my heart pounded with a mix of anxiety and hope. The weight of the past lingered in the air, but it was also charged with the promise of a new beginning. Seraphina stood before me, her aura radiating a fierce resolve and a longing for freedom. I quickly unshackled her, and her eyes sparkled with pride and gratitude. “Ezra,” she whispered, her voice laced with emotion as we closed the distance between us. As we embraced, our shared determination to free our tribe and bring light back to Eldoria ignited the air around us. Our bond was palpable, woven from our trials and the strength we had drawn from each other. I felt the weight of the responsibility we carried but also the assurance that we were not alone in this endeavour. “I knew you would come,” Seraphina said softly, her voice catching with the swell of emotions. “Thank you, Ezra. You’ve brought hope back to our people.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I held her tightly, feeling the burdens of leadership momentarily lifted by the warmth of her presence. “We could never leave you behind, my love, my leader,” I replied, my voice filled with determination and unwavering loyalty. “We are stronger together, Seraphina. And now, with you by our side, we can face whatever challenges lie ahead.” She pulled back slightly to look into my eyes, her gaze intense and filled with gratitude. “I love you. I never doubted that you would make your way to me and save me. But defeating the Troll was above and beyond the call of duty, my sweet Ezra. You scared me for a second there.” Her words touched a tender chord within me. I had always admired Seraphina’s grace and resilience; hearing her acknowledge my growth meant the world. “Thanks to your guidance and inspiration,” I admitted, a genuine smile gracing my lips. “You’ve always been my beacon, Seraphina, my love.” The world seemed to disappear as we stood there, leaving only us united in purpose and bound by a shared destiny. A tear rolled down my cheek, I was afraid to lose her, and finally, the emotion I had been negating overtook me. “I am sorry for the pain and struggles you endured in my absence,” Seraphina said, her voice tinged with regret. Her sincerity touched my heart. With her as our leader and with the support of our reunited companions, I knew that we could accomplish the seemingly impossible. “We will forge a new path for our tribe,” I vowed my voice firm. “We will show Eldoria that hope and unity are stronger than darkness and despair.” As we gazed at each other, our unspoken understanding spoke volumes. We had been through so much, but the fire in our souls burned brighter than ever before. The reunion marked the beginning of a new chapter in our tribe’s history, and together, Seraphina and I were ready to write that story with courage, love, and unwavering determination. Back home The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the land as our group journeyed back to our village, the weight of our recent triumph and the hope for the future buoying our spirits. Seraphina, Stardust, Galen, Roran, Lysandra, and I walked side by side, our laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of the leaves in the breeze. “You know, I always thought trolls were supposed to be terrifying,” Roran remarked, his eyes shining with amusement. “But that one was just a big grump.” Lysandra chuckled, nodding in agreement. “I’ve faced more challenging opponents in the wild. That Troll didn’t stand a chance against us.” “Ah, but you can’t deny the element of surprise when we all reunited,” Galen said, a playful glint in his eyes. “It was like the forest came to life with magic and bravery.” “Speaking of bravery, Ezra,” Seraphina said, her voice gentle yet proud. “You were exceptional back there, leading the charge and facing the Troll head-on.” I blushed, humbled by her praise. “Thank you, Seraphina,” I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. “I couldn’t have done it without all of you by my side.” Stardust sighed softly, “I am happy it all worked out.” “You were magnificent, my friend,” I whispered to him. “Always guiding and supporting me, just like our companions here.” “Well, I’m glad that’s over,” Roran declared, stretching his arms wide. “Now we can return to our village, celebrate our victory, and finally have a proper feast!” Galen laughed heartily. “A feast sounds like a brilliant idea. After all that fighting, I could eat a dragon’s share of food.” “Please don’t bring them into this…” Lysandra sighed. We faced challenges and doubts during our journey, but now we’re walking together, stronger than ever and destined for greatness. The moment we approached the outskirts of the village, a surge of emotions washed over me. Word of the Troll’s defeat spread like wildfire throughout Eldoria. Hope flickered in the hearts of the oppressed, their spirits lifted by our triumph. The last tribe of humans defied supernatural overlords and showed that we could defeat formidable enemies. Children ran forward, their faces bright with curiosity and awe, eager to hear our tales of adventure. Mothers and fathers embraced us warmly, their eyes shining with tears of relief and joy. Being welcomed home with such open arms and heartfelt gratitude was surreal. Seraphina addressed the crowd, her words echoing with sincerity and appreciation. “My dear friends. Today, as the sun sets and casts its warm glow upon us, I stand before you with a heart filled with immense gratitude and pride. Appreciation for the courageous souls who risked their lives to save me and our beloved village. And pride in being the leader of such an extraordinary tribe, a tribe that stands united against the darkness that sought to consume us. “Ezra, Stardust, Galen, Roran, and Lysandra triumphantly faced the Troll. Today, as we stand together, free from the shadow of the Troll, we pledge to honour this victory by supporting and uplifting one another. Together, we are an unbreakable force capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes our way. “May the light of hope and the strength of our bond continue to shine brightly, illuminating our path towards a brighter and more prosperous Eldoria.” The villagers cheered and applauded as Seraphina raised her arms in gratitude and encouragement. As the evening turned to night, the village came alive with laughter and celebration. A feast was prepared in our honour, and the tables were filled with delicious food. I couldn’t help but smile as I shared stories and laughter with my fellow tribespeople, feeling a deep camaraderie. As the night wore on, we danced beneath the moonlight, celebrating our victory and the bond that had grown stronger through our shared experiences. I felt a profound sense of belonging, knowing that I was part of a tribe that would face anything that came our way, hand in hand. We were free from the Troll, yet, many other supernatural species wanted to dominate humans and would not let us forget it so soon. We were, after all, the preferred food for vampires, play toys for mermaids and dragons, and a curious attraction for werewolves. But, with the faes and unicorns on our side, we would keep fighting for our seat on the council of species and defend our right to live freely in Eldoria as they all did. Seraphina’s soft hand on my shoulder pulled me out of my reverie. “You seem 1000 miles away, my love. Can I borrow you for a minute?” she asked softly. As we walked hand in hand, distancing ourselves from the village, Seraphina pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, “My love, we have even more to celebrate than you know…” She looked profoundly into my eyes. “The future of our tribe is growing inside me.” With that news, I embraced and kissed her passionately, determined more than ever to face the challenges ahead to ensure our tribe’s survival. Author Pen name Tina Cyr Author Works The Lost Werewolf’s Mate, on DREAME ( Author groups/websites/pages page: https://w**************m/ group: Tina Cyr’s Coffee Room (https://w**************m/groups/579778767230437) Insta/gram: tina_cyr Twi.tter: @Tina_Cyr77 Lin.ktree: tina.cyr
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