Secret glances

1966 Words
It was a beautiful day today, until the news spread that our last semester results were out. The hostel went crazy. People were running around with nervous faces. They rushed towards the notice board placed near the office. I was watching them through my window with a hot chocolate cup in my hands. Enjoying my drink till I could. "Eva, don't you want to know who topped this year? " Spoke my roommate Raven "I already know" I replied and continued to sip my hot chocolate. "Man how can this girl be so relaxed...I mean it's not like she will fail but still, you got to check it for God's sake!!" She spoke while dressing up in a hurry to go check her result. "Relax Raven and anyways the result will be soon uploaded online in a few hours..." "I can't relax girl my mom will kill me if I don't score above average!!" With this, she picked up her phone and was out of the room yelling back "I will check it out for you...I know it will be easier to find anyways" Eva already knew she will check it for her and she understood well what was meant by 'easier to find' It simply meant that names at the top are read first I finished the last sip of my hot chocolate, and was going to turn around from the window when I heard the roaring sound of a muscle car. The car stopped and the driver proceeded to open the backseat door. My heart started beating faster. It was him. He came out , looking dashing as ever in that crisp school uniform. I thought he was going to go to the notice board, and in the meanwhile I could admire his beautiful back. But instead he suddenly turned around and curses left my lips. His eyes starting at my window or so I thought as he was wearing sunglasses. Predicting it I moved back in a hurry causing the cup to slip from my hand and break on the ground. Things this boy makes me do! My heart was beating in my chest at an inhuman pace and my breathing became heavy. I peeked through the other window to see him make his way towards the principal office. "Maybe he didn't top this time" I thought but boy how wrong I was. He not only topped our college, but topped all colleges in the city. This can't be done by just having rich parents..right? People envy him a lot They say he tops because his parents rule this country But they don't know his IQ  He is truly a genius but never does he flaunt it. It was night now . I was being a stalker again You can search my surfing history and you will find only one name Daniel Knight I can stare at his picture for hours but I can't look at him in person. I want to but I just can't. How will I approach him? What will I say? He doesn't even know who I am and here stalking him is all I do except studying. "Eva you know we were expecting 5th or 6th but bang girl you came 2nd this time!! I am so proud of you my dear bestie" She said while hugging me from behind Her eyes fell on my laptop and she screamed b****y murder "What the hell Raven!! searching is not illegal!" "Searching isn't but going crazy yes it is.. you are not nervous for your result but you are nervous when he comes in 7 feet distance from you!! What are you Eva!" "It's nothing and you know this Raven...he will always be my first and last crush and that's it...he will never know who I am ...I will be going back to my country after 1 year while he will rule this country....end of story tada" "Eva this is not nothing....okay even if this is what about you not talking to any boy...see this not normal...people especially boys are scared of you because of some reason unknown to need to chat around make some guy friends and soon your crush will change..." "Raven...that's enough lectu-" "No seriously Eva you are a really beautiful girl can get any guy out there just at least try to-" "I am not finding love here Raven...I am here to study..' "Exactly my point Eva ...neither are you here to stalk are here to study, make friends and enjoy!" I simply ignored her, closing my laptop and pulled up my quilt. "Okay ignore me young lady but don't forget people are not blind...I heard some girls say that you were staring at him in the cafeteria yesterday " "I don't care what they say, Raven ..let me sleep" "So you don't care if he hears the gossip and approaches you?" "He is not an i***t to believe rumours neither does he have free time to visit his fangirls" "But still if he does please do confess your feelings..maybe a miracle happens" "Miracle? You are delusional Raven ...boys like him don't like girls like me" "As in?" "As in Nerd's, outcasts, clumsy, introverts like me..they like outgoing, smart, hot and sexy girls" "Okay that's enough on your philosophy Eva I am going to sleep..goodnight" "Goodnight" I replied but still considered what she said. He would never like me..right? ................................................................3 rod person pov......... The next day most people kept staring at Eva but she was used go them. They would point at her and whisper something in each other's ears She knew what it was They were putting a face behind the girl who stood second in college  They had respect in their eyes for her. But no one dared to approach her or congratulate her. Some girls did but boys never tried. Even she didn't know why boys acted weird around her. Maybe because of the incident that happened a few months ago Few days after she joined this college she noticed a particular blonde boy looking at her most of the time. She ignored but one day he sat on her table "You have beautiful eyes Eva..can.we maybe. .." She again decided to ignore ...she just picked up her bag and decided to leave when he blocked her way "Eva don't be like this! we could have some fun strings attached.. what's say?" She decided to move passed him when he stopped her by pulling her upper arm. A loud clap was heard making the entire cafeteria silent. She slapped him. Hard  "Don't you dare to touch me without my permission mister!! Go have your share of fun with your bit****.. don't you dare to talk to me again" He was fuming with anger while looking around him at people staring at him. She cooled down a bit after the outburst and looked around to realise how much attention she got. Feeling a bit bad for embarrassing him in front of others she said "I am sorry...I just don't date" She should have given this reply to him earlier but no she had to speak her mind and make enemies With this, she ran away from there and scolded herself for behaving in such a rash manner. After that day boys didn't dare to talk to her and she was normal with it anyways. Today she was standing in the cafeteria line with her tray in her hands ,when out of blue she heard his melodious voice. It sounded too close to be so clear and audible. She felt a presence behind her and she knows who just joined the line . Not even once was she this close to him before. She wanted to turn around and look at his beautiful blue eyes that evaded her in her dreams ,but her shaking hands and jelly legs stopped her. She could feel her forehead getting covered with sweat,her mind forgetting all logic. He was talking to one of his friends who stood just behind him. "Your party is pending man! After all, my friend just topped the whole damn city!!" "Of course man just tell me when you are free..." "And ya what was that girl's name...yes Sophia...can you please introduce her to me at your party?" "So this is why you want a party huh?" "No man...I mean.not only...." "Relax I was just kidding...consider you work done captain but mind you she is a bit...what do you say..over social I guess.. don't get too attached to her" "I get the drift man... don't worry my heart is not involved" She was trying to listen to their conversation to distract herself ,but each word he spoke sent a chill down her backbone. She could listen to him the whole day and never get bored she thought. 'Next please' The lady at the counter spoke getting her attention. Eva tried to move forward but her shaking legs refused. Holding the counter ,she placed the tray at the shelf "What would you like miss?" She spoke but Eva was more concerned about how her back was shabby her bun was and how close he was standing. "Miss?" "Oh ya sorry!! " Somericelasagnepastasalad and a little of that thing also" She said pointing to the dish she didn't know how to pronounce "Broo-sket-tuh(bruschetta)" Came his voice from behind her Of course, he would know After all, he was fluent in 8 languages and Italian was one of them. But she refused to acknowledge his reply and thank him. Simply because she didn't have the confidence in her senses right now. The lady gave her a confused look saying she couldn't get a word of what Eva said. So this time, Eva took a deep breath and pointed at the dishes she wanted to have. The lady finally placed them in her plate. She should have moved right and then turned around to leave , but her stupid selfs turned around 180 degrees right there with the tray in her hands. Result A collision What else did we expect from a clumsy nerd like her whose senses were all short-circuited and burned down? He saved her from embarrassment. The shaking tray was held firmly by his strong hands and it was pushed back by him making her body to lean on the shelf behind for support. Her right hand holding onto the shelf to balance herself and the left one, still holding the tray. Her eyes widened as she felt sparks under his large hand's grip. Her eyes moving up finally and her breathing stopped right there. There he stood, the man of his dreams so close to her,  his hands touching hers,  his eyes staring at her. She couldn't speak She could only stare back into the depth of his blue eyes. Beautiful Was the only word that her mind was screaming. "Careful" Was the only word he spoke. There was no emotion on his face as he said it,his eyes immediately shifting to the lady behind the counter ,placing his tray on the shelf. She knew he wouldn't look at her again..these few seconds were all she could get his attention for. But they were more than enough for her. Without wasting a second she pushed herself forward from the shelf and ran away from him. This was the first time she saw him from this close, The first time he talked to her ,even if they were only 2 words The first time he touched her, even if it was just for her support. Now that she had met him and felt all those emotions again she could bravely say I just don't have a crush on you ,your Majesty , I think I am going crazy for you.
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