Chapter 13 - A magical new world.

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Julius A sliver of sunlight shone through between the cell bars and woke me. My eyes were thick with dust, making it hard to open them. Probably red from trying to rub all the dust out, so I could at least see. I was starting to smell bad, but if I tried to hold my breath, it would just get me killed. I tried it when I first woke up to the stench of the dungeons, but it didn’t last long. I had to breathe. My white shirt was the same colour as Emily’s … My Emily. I needed to know what was happening. Cook said she was safe, but where and with whom? Hearing the footsteps of my mother coming down the passage, I got up to sit, so she couldn’t see my face. “Morning Julius.” She sighed. “What do you want?” I almost hissed. “Why are you so rude? I have only been trying to help you and save our kingdom.” I didn’t say anything. Quietly sitting there watching her, trying to see my face in the dark. “Come stand where I can see you.” Silence. “You are acting like a child Julius! I have news and want to share it with you. You are my only child for goodness’s sake!” She lost her temper and I rolled my eyes. “A child … That is what you still think of me? That I am a child? Interesting that you would put a child in these circumstances in a dungeon. Is that how you treat your subjects? Even if they are children? If that is the case, I would prefer not to be a child of yours!” I was furiously turning all her words against her. She had her son, the future King, locked up for her own selfish reasons. I was not going to let go of this! “Julius, please can we get past this already. It’s over. I have come to let you out. That commoner girl is gone and we,” She sighed. “You are safe from her influence. I also need you to clean up and be on your best behaviour before King Angus arrives.” She nodded at the guard to unlock. “Please stop your sulking and let’s start over.” “There is no starting over. I will do as you ask. But don’t think that things between you and me will ever be the same again!” Taking a split-second to realize this was my chance to get out of the dungeons to go look for Emily, I grabbed it. It would be easier to slip past guards from my room, than it would be from this cell. Walking out of the cell, my mother stood back a step or two. “Well, I guess you will want a bath first and foremost.” Without saying another word, I followed the two guards in front of me, not caring about letting my mother walk first. Hearing her complain behind me, I paid her no mind. She cared so little, she had me thrown in jail. It was time she found out how it felt when people you thought you could trust turned their backs on you. Reaching the inside of the castle, I was joined by a further two guards at my sides and two behind me. “Oh, for f@ck’s sake, you could have just left me in that cell and I told the King I died because of some disease or something. At least in there, I had space to move.” I hissed between gritted teeth. “Stop complaining, it is for your own good. I will expect to see you at lunch. Don’t even think of trying anything. Your guards will make sure you are there.” She nodded at them, and they stepped as one, basically forcing me to go in the direction they chose, up to my room. My mother had reached the ultimate limit of insanity! Emily I woke early in the morning, before sunrise. “Good you are up early. We can start early.” My eyes were not properly open and adjusted, still trying to figure out where I was. As I got up, I dusted myself off and followed the creator. He didn’t sleep, he just sat there all night, waiting for me to finish sleeping and finally wake up. He didn’t waste time on niceties. He would say what needed to be said and that was it. I was growing used to his manner of doing things slowly. I still sometimes felt a bit stunned when he spoke out of nowhere, expecting something to be done. As if he expected you to read his mind or something. By midday, we reached a bridge crossing a river. Things, on the other hand, looked the same as in our kingdom. “It is not, it is an enchantment barrier I have put up to try and dissuade others to cross the river. Merchants, for instance, don’t come here, because it looks like part of the dead kingdom. Come.” He walked over the bridge, disappearing halfway. “What?!” I blinked twice and found him looking back, only his head showed, making me stand there wide-eyed. “I don’t have all day.” He frowned as I slowly followed. Scared, excited, not sure if I would be turned into a talking head like him, I crossed the barrier with my eyes tightly closed. “Emily! How are you going to walk with your eyes closed!” He tapped me on my shoulder and I slowly opened them, first one eye, then the other. My jaw-dropped to the floor. Never had I thought I would see such beauty? Lush green forests, flowers, even the air had a shine to it. “Wow, where are we?” I gaped. “That I will have to explain to you later. First, we need to go to the tavern and find something for you to eat. Sound good?” He smiled as he walked on. “Oh yes, please!” Following a path, we walked into a bustling, quaint little town. There was life! People were laughing, wares being sold and nobody stood around with some kind of weapon looking as if they were about to take an innocent life. Walking into the tavern, it had a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. “Creator! Welcome home. We have been worried about where you wandered off to. Same order?” A woman shouted from behind the counter. “No Lilith, I would like you to meet Emily. She will be my guest and trainee for a couple of months.” He introduced me and my eyes grew wide. “MONTHS?” I asked so loudly, the entire tavern went silent. “Yes, it will take a while for you to learn what I have to teach you.” He smiled. “But by then Julius will be married to that awful princess.” Tears started to fill my eyes. “If he is your true love, he will not. Trust me, Emily.” I nodded. “Now Lilith, if you can, please bring me my normal order and for the young lady the special of the day with some fresh milk. Thank you.” He smiled kindly. “Sure, on it.” She gave him a wink, and we found a table, while the noise in the tavern returned to the happy conversations from before. I sat at the head of the table, picking at my nails, not sure if I should have left with him. I could have tried hiding from the Queen and her guard. “They would have found you, and you would be dead by now.” Looking up at him, I wondered how he always knew what I thought. “Because I created you. I know everything about everyone. All of what you see and who you see are my creations.” He looked around the room. “Then why do you need me?” I was still confused about that. “I have told you. I need someone who can help me. I have found my creations that if they are left to their own devices, they f@ck it all up. I need a pure heart to guide them. Someone to find them a destined mate that will fit?” He looked around the room again. “It is not the right word, but you should get my meaning. Someone who will plan their life in such a way, that they will live it to their fullest potential.” “But that doesn’t make sense. Why give them free will if you are only going to be taking it away?” I frowned. “No, you misunderstand. They will still have the choice in the end, but there will be the possibility of an already chosen. Most will rather pick an already fated or chosen mate. My creations are easily influenced by what they refer to as fate, or destiny. They want to believe that there is one person that is meant for them. I want you to find them that one person. Put that person on their path. I want happiness for them.” He smiled. “Why me? I am not of royal blood. How will I save the kingdom then?” I sighed. “Your pure heart will. Your sacrifice, even when the duty is not your will. Emily, I have searched far and wide, but have not found one creation that has so much love and compassion as you do. I have tried re-creating it, but to no avail. You are unique, and I think even if the mad old King had kept his part of the bargain, I would not have had the jewel I found in you.” I sat there, looking at him as if he was just talking about someone else. Our food arrived, and he thanked the girl called Lilith. “Emily, eat. You need to rebuild your strength. We will explore the town a bit this afternoon and I will then take you to the tailor. I don’t want you to walk around town in those rags.” He frowned. “Do the towns people know who … What you are?” I whispered. “No, you are the only one.” He burst out laughing. “But they call you Creator.” I frowned. “Yes, because I own a shop in town where things are made and sold, hence the name.” He smiled. “What kind of things?” I felt strange in this strange town and asking him questions helped me to figure it all out. “Bowls, forks, knives, bells that chime when the wind blows through them, special woven circles that catch bad dreams. Things like that.” He shrugged. “Oh, okay.” I looked confused. “I will take you there later. Now eat, we still have a lot to do today.” He waved at my plate. ‘You are always rushing me.’ I thought to myself, frowning. “Yes, because you are always so slow.” He replied to my thoughts. Julius I looked out my door a couple of minutes after entering, but my six guards were still there. Walking over to my window, I found another six guards outside! The servant’s door was locked, but I heard the lock turn and was faced by a guard asking if I required anything. My mother thought of everything. I had no alternative but to take a bath and put on clean clothes as required. As soon as I was ready, I heard a knock on my door. “Yes?” I barked. “Prince Julius, it is time.” A guard’s voice echoed through the door. “Yes, yes, I am ready.” I walked out the door, facing two guards in front of me, two filling in beside me and two following behind as they started walking. They guided me to the dining room. Why would they be going there? Didn’t my mother normally take lunch in her parlor? When we entered, I found my mother sitting at the head of the table, and it all made clear sense. My place was to be on her left. I had lost my standing in the palace, and she was clearly showing it to me. “How are you feeling son?” She smiled. “With my hands,” I mumbled. “Don’t be rude! If you don’t behave, I will have no other option but to put you back in the dungeons!” Her face turned red with anger. The staff brought me the first course. A small note was stuffed in slightly underneath my plate. The kitchen girl smiled at me. “The king and princess will be arriving any day now. You can return to your office to make the necessary records regarding the kingdom, but I am sure he will want to look at them at some point, at which time you will vacate the office and hand it over to him.” My mother explained what she wanted me to do. “Yes.” I wasn’t in the mood to help her with anything! “If you insist on not recognizing me as your mother, you will recognize me as your Queen!” Slamming her hand on the table, she made everything shake. Her face turned blood-red. “Yes, your Majesty.” I looked at her, faking a smile. “That’s better.” She sighed. “I will also require that you spend every spare moment entertaining Princess Anna. Be kind, friendly and gentlemanly!” She instructed. “Yes, your Majesty.” Gentlemanly, according to which standard? My mother had no idea how things worked in this kingdom, did she? I had a couple of days to work on a plan. These guards surely wouldn’t be following me around when the King and Princess were there. Then I could plan my escape. I also had a note from the kitchen. Wondering who it was from and what it said. I couldn’t wait to get back to my room to read it.
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