C H A P T E R 2 - Hades.

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If there had ever been a moment in which it had felt like the seams of my reality had come crashing down, then it was this one. There were no words to describe the way that I was feeling, no words to describe the weight that had settled onto my shoulders. I felt like I could barely even think straight, let alone think of what to do in that moment. I was just thankful that it hadn't been necessary for me to say anything, because I could only imagine the way that I would have been falling over my own tongue. I wouldn't even know where to begin with, and what to say. Luckily for my sake, it seemed like there would be no need for me to do that now, or anytime soon. Why? Well, because there was a complete and utter uproar after Athena had made her statement. There were accusations flying around like birds who had nowhere else to go, and I knew that it would only be Zeus who would be able to get them all to calm down. Butt judging by the silence which was emanating from him, I guessed that he was just as shocked as the rest of us were to find out about this. But I was certain that there was not a single person in this room, who could claim that they were as shocked as I was, because I was sure that it was not the case. There was no one here who could claim that they had been fooled into believing that their wife was in love with them, when in actual fact, she had been having an affair for millenia. I could only imagine how long it had carried on before the two of them had had a child. And the worst part of it all? There was still a chance that Dilara was my child. After all, there was no knowing whether or not she was genuinely Poseidons child. All at once, I started to feel nothing more than disgust towards myself. I knew that I had no real reason to feel this way, no solid reason to be doing it, but still, I found that it was something that was beyond my control, beyond my capabilities of preventing. I couldn't keep myself from feeling this way when I was certain of the fact that everyone else would be thinking this very same thing. I could feel the bile rising up in my throat, and I knew, without a doubt, that this situation was going to get a lot worse, at a speed that would surprise anyone who wasn't experiencing it for themselves. I didn't know what I was going to do, or what I was going to say. "That is enough." The moment that Zeus spoke, silence fell across the room, everyone turning their attention towards him to hear what it was that he was going to say. I, on the other hand, found that it was difficult to look at him. It was difficult to look at anything other than the floor in the middle of the room, for I felt ashamed, felt like there was something wrong with me. Judging by the way that things were going, I knew that it was only a matter of time before everything flew out the window again. The thing about being a God? You failed to see when you were in the wrong, and I was certain of the fact that that was what was going to happen around here. "This situation is one that we will not be able to deal with if all of you are screaming with one another. But there is a process that we will need to follow, and I will need to make sure that all of you abide by it. First of all, Dilara is to be treated as a Goddess, for that is what she is. Anyone who chooses not to do so, will answer to me personally. It is not her fault that she has been dealt this deal of fate." Once again, no one said anything. Everyone remained silent as they waited for Zeus to finish speaking, and I could only imagine what he was going to say next. I knew that nothing that I thought of would be remotely similar to what he would end up saying, but that didn't keep me from trying to prepare myself for what was to come. Anyone who found themselves sitting in this room, would be lying if they claimed to be doing anything other than that. That was something that I was certain of, something that I could practically promise. "Dilara will need some time to come to terms with the new reality of her life, and anyone who will be able to assist her with this, is welcome to do so. In the same breath, Dilara will be the one to choose how to deal with this situation. Poseidon and Persephone, I will only be saying this to you once. The two of you will make time to speak to her, when she is ready to speak to you, and you will then be given the opportunity to redeem yourselves, in her eyes. And Persephone. You need to make sure that Poseidon is her father."
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