Cameron's Lab

2233 Words

Cameron laughs as he hears the wolves cry for help. He knows they can not go anywhere, and no one can hear them. Nevertheless, Cameron does not feel sorry for them or any other wolf. Cameron hates being a werewolf, and he is looking for a way to stop this curse. He does not care if he tortures the werewolves as he knows one day they will thank him for releasing them from the curse of being a werewolf. He is ashamed of himself for being such a foul creature. Cameron will free his whole family from this curse once he gets a cure. He does not believe in the Moon Goddess or other gods as a scientist. He has tried so many scientific formulas to find the cure that he feels he is on the verge of a breakthrough. As long as Blaze does not know what he is up to and keeps funding him, he will be fine

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