Chapter 2

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Snow POV     I woke up in the back of a black-tinted car with my hands tied behind my back. I felt dizzy and my vision was blurry. I was at a rest stop. I don’t really know where I am or what’s going on. I try to contact Sky, but it’s seems I cannot reach her or feel her. I tried to remember what happen, but I can’t seem to think straight. My door open and guess who it is... Jack! So, my second mate has decided to kidnap me! He says, “Oh, you are awake.” I replied, “And you made a mistake! What’s going on and where are you taking me?” He says, “You already know…To Your Mate!!!”  He entered the driver seat, started the car, and drove off.     I guess this was Aaron’s plans when he said that we will be together soon. I asked, “Jack, why did Aaron have me kidnapped?” Jack replied, “You already know!!! Now be quiet while I drove. We will be there soon.” I sat up straight in the back seat and looked out of the window. Aaron did all this so I could spend time with him. I never thought he would do something this drastic, but I understand why. I couldn’t use my abilities without Sky because it drains my energy. I decided to go with Jack to meet Aaron.   One Hour Later…   I felt Sky presents but she was drowsy too.   Me: Sky, are you awake? Sky: Yes, but I feel dizzy. Me: Yea, that’s the chloroform. I felt the same way when I woke up. Do you remember what happen? Sky: Yea, we were in your office and someone drugged us. Me: Yea, Aaron had Jack kidnap us. Sky: No… Me: Yes, he did… Do you remember what you said before the darkness came? Sky: Yes, you are pregnant. Me: What I find time to find this out. Sky: I know… Sorry, Snow. Me: I’m not losing my baby. Sky: Babies. Me: What are you talking about Sky? Sky:  You are having twins. Me: TWO BABIES! Oh, my Moon Goddess.      Our conversation was interrupted when Jack’s cell phone started to ring. Jack says, “Hello, Boss.” Jack said a couple of words and before he hung up the phone. I ask, “Let me talk with him!” Jack says, “You will soon enough! Relax and enjoy the ride.”  I said, “Really Jack... This is not right… Azazel and my family will think someone really kidnapped me!” He says, “I’m just following orders from my Alpha!” We drove for another hour until we reached a marina in New York.   Aaron POV     As I look at the car driving up to the marina’s deck, my heart started to beat out of my chest. I finally getting the chance to spend time with my mate. Havoc was pacing back and forth in my mind giving me a migraine. I wish this stupid wolf would calm down… Havoc growls, “You were the one to give our mate to that imbecile. We should have taken her!” I say, “Hush it wolf” I block him out. I am so excited that I am mated to the most powerful supernatural being. I can’t wait to have her all to myself until her other mate come looking for us. Jack walks her up the ramp of my yacht and stops in front of me. I say, “Hi, il Piccolo Fuoco.” She looks at me with pure anger and tries to slap me in my face. I caught her wrist in mid-air. She yells, “SO WE’RE INTO KIDNAPPING NOW!” Who she thinks she’s talking too! KIDNAPPING! This pissed Havoc off… He took over and pull a hand fist full of her hair and pulled her to our chest. I have to admit that I miss you scent and the tingles when our skin touches. He whispers in her ear, “Well, you would not come willingly.” I yelled, “LET HER GO! GIVE ME BACK CONTROL, NOW!” Havoc let her go. When she looked at me, she was frightened… This mutt is going to make me hurt him. I told Jack to take her to our room. Havoc says, “You better place her neck-chain on her before she kills us.” I say, “She wouldn’t do that!” He is right she has the power to do it. I pulled out a thick diamond studded neck chain which I had made… I place the neck chain around her neck. Snow yells, “WHAT IS THIS! WHAT DO I NEED THAT FOR?” I say, “il Piccolo Fuoco, I’ll explain once I talk with Jack.      I go to my office to wait for Jack. I say, “Havoc, you gotta control your aggression… How are we supposed to have her fall in love with us… If you’re treating her mean?” Havoc didn’t respond but I could feel that he felt bad. I say, “I know you are listening to me… She is here now… Let’s see what she does. If we want to fulfill the prophecy… She is the key. If you wanted this… DON’T MESS IT UP!”  Havoc says, “I know… I will calm down… But once she finds out about Jazz’s baby… We are over before we even start!” I say, “No, I will make her understand.” Havoc says, “You can try.”   I hear a knock on my door. “Come In…” Jack enters my office. Jack: What’s up, Boss? Me: I need you to find places for us to stay in London. Jack: Ok, I will get on it now. Me: She didn’t use any powers on you. Jack: Here is her key to the neck chain. Boss, I don’t think you need the neck chain. Me: Why would you say that? Jack: You said she could kill us with her fire. Me: Yes. Jack: She could use her powers without her fox. Me: Yes! Jack, where is you going with this? Jack: She didn’t use her powers while I bring her here. I think she wants to spend time with you. Me: Did she say that? Jack: No, but if she didn’t want to be here… I would be dead.     He got up from my desk and said, “I’ll find us a place to stay, and tell the captain we are ready to go.” I say, “Thanks, Jack. Also, tell the chef to bring lunch and dinner to my bedroom. I will be spending the rest of the day with Snow.” Jack says, “Will do, Boss!” I thought about what Jack said and he may have a point. She could have killed him and teleported back to Azazel, but she didn’t.     It took me another hour to finish my work. I looked out of the window and we were sailing. I left my office and headed to my bedroom. It was a lot I had to discuss with Snow. I enter our bedroom and Snow was seating on my bed. Me: How are you, Piccolo Fuoco? Snow: This is how you treat your mate, Aaron? Me: No, I just need to take some precautions during our trip! This neck chain will suppress your powers… You will still be able to communicate with your fox. Snow: So, am I your prisoner? Me: No, il Piccolo Fuoco. Would you like to be my prisoner? Snow: Aaron! Me: Until I know that I can trust that you will not run away from me… I’ll take the neck chain off.       She looks so beautiful with her neck chain, if you ask me. It’s hard for me not to take her here and now. She turns and looks out the cabin’s window. There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Jennifer walks in and says, “Alpha, I have your lunch as per your requested.” I say, “Thank you… place the food on a table and leave.” She followed my orders and left the room. I ask, “Are you hungry?” She looks at me, but her stomach gives her away by growling. She walks to the table, seats down, and she begun to eat small pieces of food.     Once she was done eating, She says, “What’s your plan…. Now that I am here… unwillingly!” I say, “I figure we would have some fun tonight…” She says, “What type of fun?” I stood up and put my hand out so she could grab it. She placed her soft small and pretty hand into mines. I immediately felt the electric sparks flowing up my arm. I took her to my ceiling suspension chains and chain her to my ceiling. She looked so damn beautiful with her arms raised up towards the ceiling. I slowly cut her clothes off her body. I whispered in her ear, “You won’t be needing those.” I can see the fear and excitement in her eyes. I slowly walked around her… Admiring every curve of her body and she was STUNNING! I stood in front of her, smelling her intoxicating scent. Havoc says, “She smell so f*****g good… Sweeter than before… I want too tasty her.” “SWEETER? Havoc, not now, we have to talk with her first,” I replied. When a supernatural woman becomes pregnant her scent becomes stronger and sweeter. I wanted her to have my pups first, but it will happen soon enough.   Me: il Piccolo Fuoco, we need to talk. Snow: Talk…. It doesn’t seem like I am going anywhere… Mate! Me: No, you are not.   I take my index finder, touch her ear, and slide my fingers down her neck, shoulder until I reached her breast. I whisper in her ear, “feisty one… I LOVE IT! I know everything about you and your fox. I have been wishing and looking for you all my life.” Snow says, “So, why are you treating me this way… Do you think it’s wise?” I say, “Maybe or Maybe not… We will see… I have two Kitsunes here with me. I will introduce you to them soon.” Snow looked at me with one eyebrow raised and says, “No need… I don’t want to meet any of your whores…  If you take this neck-chain off. I can show you who your destined mate can do…”   I looked at Snow’s eyes which had turned gold color with swirling of black in the center and I can tell that I was not talking with Snow anymore.   Me: So, what is your name, il Piccolo Fuoco? Sky: My name is Sky. Me: Well Sky, nice to meet you. Please give Snow control back. Sky: No, I know that you are aware of the prophecy. Me: And… Sky: If you want to be the most powerful wolf…. Our second mate! You have to stop treating Snow like this!     Havoc took over my body…   Sky: Havoc… Havoc: Sky... Sky: Stop acting like you and your human don’t care for us. You wanted us to spend time with you and we are here… We will stay here as long as you treat us with love and respect. Havoc: It wasn’t him… Sky: It was you! Havoc: Yes, I can’t stand not being able to be near you, get to know you, hold you, or make love to you… You gave HIM all your attention and time. Sky: I know… I am sorry… We are here now so let’s stop all this… Havoc: I know… Aaron and I talked earlier… I am going to enjoy our time together as long as you don’t leave me… Sky: I would never leave you… I am your mate… Snow was just trying to figure out how to tell Azazel… Havoc: We need you too… Sky: I know…   Havoc gave me back control. I could tell that Sky had control when her eyes turn back to her natural hazel color.   Snow: Please unhook me…   I unhook her chain from the ceiling.   Snow: Now, take this neck chain off… Me: No, I’m not doing that yet! il Piccolo Fuoco (My Little Fire)    
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