Nor is it likely any of them would have survived—certainly not those outside the tank—if not for the same fluke of the Flashback which had led to Henry’s advanced age; although in this case, it wasn’t centered around a person but an animal—the very same creature Tess and Coup had rescued from the desert (and which Long had called a marsupial lion) —which sprang from the back room as the walls collapsed and faced off with the tyrannosaur-like dinosaurs boldly, having grown to full adulthood (and more, for it was the nature of the Flashback to render things large) so that it bore more in common with a Bengal tiger—or even a bear—than a mere rodent. And then they were circling each other, the dinosaurs hissing and feinting as Ricky-Tik did the same, even as the tank backed out of the rubble