41• My sexy little doll

1326 Words

She stood on her toes with a mischievous smile stained on her face and whispered in his ear, "see yourself." He gladly agreed, "okay!" He held the hem of her top and hastily took it off. A smile flashed on his face as he noticed she was wearing a baby pink bra with white polka dots and a tiny butterfly in the centre. She blushed, seeing him gazing at her bra. "I like to wear these types of bras." As he drifted his eyes up to her face from the bra, she told him, smiling sheepishly. "Such a cutie pie you're." He pulled her cheeks and added, "I never thought that someone could look adorable in lingerie also." She giggled. "Now I want to see which undies you're wearing with this bra." He demanded, glancing at her thighs before moving his eyes back to her flushed face. "And this time, I

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