Chapter 54

1338 Words

Kelly Laura is a tough woman. She is great and loving. But one thing I do know about her, you do not mess with her sons. So it did not surprise me that Laura told me not to play with Austin’s heart. But before I could answer Laura, Little Xavier spoke up. “Mommy, I have to go baffroom.” He said. “Now? Number one or number two?” I asked him. “Nuber one.” He said. Laura smiled and said, “My bathroom is right there.” She motioned to a door in the room. I got up out of my chair and lifted Xavier down. We walked over to the bathroom, but little Xavier stopped and put his hand up. “I’m a big boy.” He said. “Oh, ok. Then I will stand out here ok?” I said to him. He nodded his head and I opened the door to let in the bathroom, and closed it after he was in it. “They grow up really fast

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