Chapter 75

1097 Words

Austin I wasn’t expecting my dad to say much at this talk with my mom. Really he hasn’t until just now. I thought about what he was saying and the truth is he would be the only person to understand what I am going through. “Honey, listen to daddy. He is so right. You Case men are stubborn….” My mom was saying. “Excuse me? Case men are stubborn, I’m I think Laura Snyder is just as stubborn! So I say it’s a Snyder gene as well. Our kids are twice as stubborn.” My dad interrupted. “No, I don't think so. Snyders is persistent. It’s a Case gene.” My mom rebutted. I had to smile. My mom is being stubborn in a disagreement on who is stubborn. “So I’m basically f****d when comes to being stubborn is what you are saying dad?” I said. My dad laughed and nodded his head. Mom just rolled her e

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