Chapter 32

2003 Words

"Mason, do you know Lisa?" Basil couldn't hold back anymore. He coldly asked Mason. Lisa glanced at Basil. Wasn't that the same question he asked her just now. Maybe he didn't believe what she said, but why wouldn't he trust her? Is he afraid that she will bribe all the people around him, and then plot to rob him of his position? Is he overestimating her or does he really think she is a bad woman because money can do it all. Suddenly her affection for him dwindled less and less. "Just met at the cafeteria before." Mason calmly replied, he also has nothing to hide. When he learns that Lisa is a special bodyguard next to Basil, he has some doubts about their real relationship. Because Basil had never pleased any woman to be able to let that person be by his side. Now choosing a bodyguard

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