Chapter Thirty-Six: Treading Water

1052 Words

Olivia There was no way I could sit at the table and eat breakfast and play nice now, so I made a beeline for the front door, and escaped from the confines of the pack house. My wolf was so devastated that I couldn’t even call her forward to shift, so I ended up wandering down the lake trail in my human form, kicking every stone and pebble that had the audacity to litter my path. I desperately needed a physical release, so when the glittering edge of the lake came into view around the curve, I started shucking off my clothes. I hit the water running, and sloshed through, not caring that the bottom was a little slimy under my feet, or that I was pushing through lily pads and seaweed on my way to deeper water. When it reached waist-deep, I dove below the surface and continued to swim,

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