Chapter Twenty-Nine: Peddle Your Poison

1638 Words

Renee I was primped, polished, and ready for a night on the town. I’d even splurged on a new outfit, a little off-the-shoulder smokey-blue cocktail dress. And of course, a new dress needed new shoes, some strappy sandals to show off my freshly painted toenails. For the first time, I had to go to the front door and queue at the door with the rest of the plebeian clubbers. It wasn’t so bad though. I struck up a conversation with a trio of college kids, and they kindly absorbed me into their group so that when we finally reached the main entrance, I was no longer a pathetic party of one. The girl, Abigail, had her arm slung over my shoulder, and we paid our cover and entered Dos Hermanos like we were old friends. We wove through the throngs of people, looking for an empty booth. We

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