#Chapter 67 Healing

1788 Words

Bastien’s POV I’ll kill them all. Every last wolf who laid a paw on Selene will pay, followed by that coward they call an Alpha. It was bad enough that Drake wasn’t man enough to fight his own battle, but to let his men attack an innocent she-wolf is a new level of abhorrence. I thought I was hallucinating when Selene joined the fight. After all, my mate doesn’t have a violent bone in her body, but I suppose her wolf had other ideas. Everything should have stopped then and there, but I wasn’t near enough to help her, and Drake’s guards were so blinded by bloodlust they never even registered that the obstacle blocking them from their target was the mother of their Alpha’s child. In fairness, Drake is almost as angry as I am. We both moved for Selene the moment we heard her yelp, surg

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