#Chapter 78 Just In Time

1762 Words

Drake’s POV I could kill Martin where he stands. Behind me I can hear Bastien’s Betas’ frantic mutterings, reminding the other Alpha that the scum kneeling before me is trying to distract us, to turn us against each other. They beg him to stay calm, not to react, but I barely notice. I don’t care that Martin told Bastien I kissed his mate, though in fact I failed. I care that he took Selene and Lila, and I especially care that he’s been abusing his sister. If you’d asked me this morning who I cared about more, I would have unequivocally chosen Selene – but that was before: Before I heard what this monster did to the sweet wolf I grew up with, before I realized how oblivious I must have been to overlook his cruelty. No one deserves to be hurt by someone responsible for taking care of t

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