#Chapter 33 Fire

1743 Words

Selene’s POV Call it intuition or instinct, call it prophecy or clairvoyance, but the moment I see Arabella on the other side of the door, I know this night will be my last. I’ve felt this way once before, the day I tried to provoke Garrick into killing me. However then I had nothing to live for, and nothing to lose. Now things are very different. I may not have much, and my life might not be worth fighting for, but my baby’s certainly is. I pull the door open, surveying the she-wolf waiting on the other side. Arabella looks as perfect as always: her voluptuous curves swathed in expensive fabrics tailored to highlight her considerable assets. Her makeup is flawless, but her lovely features are twisted into a sneer. “Can’t you ever do what you’re supposed to?” She says by way of greet

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