Be My Valentine 2024

376 Words
Welcome to the 2024 Be My Valentine Event! Last year it was all about the disaster, this year is all about the meet-cute. Capture the magic of a first meeting, the moment where two people first interact and one (or both) wonders what if... Leave the reader dreaming of their future, wondering what it might hold. No smut No spilling - no one is to have anything spilled on them, nor spill on someone or something else - think bump into each other with drink in hand sort of trope - it is out No weak knees The word ‘smirk/s/ing/ed’ - all forms is banned. There are so many other ways to describe smiles and the looks shared between people. (Yes this rule is from last year... and yes I’m keeping it!) No ‘Mate!’ - Bring the magic of the moment, a meet-cute, a snap shot of a beginning but do not include anyone shouting, thinking, or scenting ‘Mate’. Please stay away from a ‘Mate!’ scene altogether Real world or fantasy, include any creatures you want! 800 - 3,000 words Meet-cute theme Provide a song for the mix tape Original writing only but Parody and Fan Fic are permitted. You may submit up to two entries but the word count for the second story must be double or half of the original word count. Eg if the 1st story is 1000 words the 2nd story should be 2000 words (with a tolerance of +/-100) Must be prepared to have work displayed from the 14th of Feb - 21st of Feb on Dreame and Inkitt. Please let me know if you are happy for your work to stay up after this (you may withdraw it at any point - just message me). Entries written in English please You don’t need to be an author to participate or be on any specific platform. Every author chose a song for their piece and there is a play list! Search 'Be My Valentine Mix Tape' on Spotify. If you think of a song for any of the stories or just have a song thats special to you leave the artist and title in the comments and it will get added (if it is available). Happy reading!
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