
1574 Words

I wake up when the sunrays directly fell on my bed. I quickly get up, yawning but then I smile as I remember yesterday quite vividly. I spent the entire evening at Talon's; ya ya…the same one who is assumed to be my rival, my nemesis. We played. We talked. We bickered. We fought. We laughed. Just like the old times. Yesterday was a day well spent; no fake smiles to give to anyone. No fake people to encounter. No Claire. No Caleb. Just him and I. I get down from my bed, smiling at my reflection. Talon dropped me after we had dinner, at 9. Because mom wanted me home. Though she is not strict at all, she is the opposite, but still... you know protective and loving parents, especially moms, and then for an hour, we texted when he called. God, we talked for two whole hours and

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