
2640 Words

The next morning, I groan when the sunlight falls directly on my face... again. Ugh! Why did I not close the curtains before falling asleep, last night? How stupid of me! I turn around slowly, only to face the sleeping beauty... or in this case, sleeping handsome. What the hell! Did I just call him handsome? What's wrong with me? Talon is my best friend and we are trying to keep this friendship together and not ruin it at all, and I with my feelings from all those years can definitely ruin it. Just then his eyes flutter open and meet mine. I can't but stare into his deep orbs and he throws me a sheepish smile. No smirk, no grin... a plain, genuine smile and he looks so cute. I almost swoon but remind myself that we are strictly friends and I have to keep my feelings from resurfaci

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