
2218 Words

Day one of suspension: Tuesday. Aly came to pick me, forgetting that I am suspended and after that hearty talk yesterday, I can tell she feels better and a bit light. I am happy for her but she shouldn't have to disturb my sleep. Sheepishly, I remind her about the suspension and after ruffling my messy bed hair, she giggles and walks out of the room, and I find myself back into my sleepy trance, only to wake up by a certain someone an hour or so later. "Wakey, wakey..." With a swish, someone enters into the room and has the audacity to sing. "... eggs and bakey," I let out a groan and sheepishly grab a pillow on my side, only to throw at him with what I think to be with my full force. Not. "Stay away..." I mutter and then cuddle with the other pillow on the side. I hear him chuckle and t

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