
3451 Words

The geometry test was kind of easy. Not too difficult questions posed by Mrs Finn. Unlike most, I know I will be thriving once again in this test, alongside Aly. We are the best students in her class, her words not mine. Yay! I walk down the aisle to my locker, knowing people are still staring as they just can't get over the fact that the 'it' couple is no more together. I roll my eyes at this as I reach my locker and open it with the password. "Well. Well. Look who's here." Controlling the sudden urge to groan, I turn around and fake a smile at the she-devil, aka, Claire Boston. Della giggles at this as Claire lifts her manicured palm and silences her. She then smirks at me. "Lockwood." She sneers. "Boston." I fake a smile. "You look..." I steal a glance at her, properly, not wa

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