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CHAPTER XI DOC MELINE’S SONBaldy waited until the three men had gone back to the Tumbling H before leaving the game to go to the hotel. He found Jack in the little office, moodily reading an old newspaper and smoking. The office was empty, except for the young man, so Baldy lost no time in opening the conversation. “Yo’re Doc Meline’s son, ain’t yuh?” he asked softly. Jack looked up quickly and considered this hard-faced cowpuncher, but did not reply. “Thassall right,” grinned Baldy. “Yore old man is out at the K-10.” “My father?” “Yeah.” “What in hell is he doing out there?” demanded Jack. “Well, he ain’t askin’ fool questions,” retorted Baldy. “I’ll pick yuh up after dark tonight. Be down at the other end of town about eight o’clock, will yuh?” “Who are you?” asked Jack curiousl

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