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CHAPTER VI KNIFE OR GUN?They rode away from the ranch over the road which led to Pinnacle, while the lights from the open door of the Tumbling H faded in the distance. “So Sam Blair was the puncher from Oregon, eh?” said Hashknife. “Kinda looks like it,” agreed Sleepy. “He had that lantern up close to his head and I knowed him right away. I’ll betcha he recognized you, Hashknife.” “He sure would.” Hashknife squinted ahead, as he visualized the day that he and Sleepy had busted up a little gang in the Idaho hills, a gang of four horse-thieves. Sam Blair had been the sole survivor. They turned him over to the sheriff, and he had later wounded a deputy sheriff and made his escape. “Mebbe it’s a good thing he’s passed on,” observed Hashknife. “Blair could do us a lot of harm, if he’s con

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