CHAPTER EIGHT OLIVE I pretend to be angry at Axel, but I’m a different person than I was three years ago. He hurt me then. But now I have to play like it’s all fine and perfect, like he never hurt me in the first place. For Lark. That’s what I’d named her. She began a new chapter of my life, and she came into this world cooing and singing. She brightened my life like a song, and made my heart sing again. My precious baby. And now I have to do what is best for her. Maybe not what’s best for me, but for Lark. He can’t get close like that again. “Congratulations,” he mutters. He never used to mutter. That’s how I know he doesn’t mean it. I’m lying, and I’m pissed. How can he come back now, when everything’s going so well? Where was he before when I needed him so desperately? Doesn’t h