Chapter Twelve - Gives us more time

1207 Words

( Hey everyone, I have set up a fan page of sorts on f******k, and I would really love if you could all go and like it, please? It will have updates on new books when books are getting updated etc...and gives me a chance to chat will you all. Just search for @AyrGal89  I would add the link, but it isn't working. Thanks)   Nick’s P.O.V I was on a phone call when Riley came in with my lunch. I was hoping that she had decided to take me up on my offer. I still have a feeling she left for a completely different reason than what she told me. I smiled at her, telling her I would only be a moment. She nodded, placing my lunch on my desk and took a seat. “Thank you, Goodbye,” I said, hanging up the phone. “Hey boss, there is your lunch.” She said casually. “Where is yours?” I asked. “I am no

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