Chapter 2

719 Words

Carr looked out the front window, maybe watching the snow fall against the truck’s headlights. “I called you using the cabbie’s cellphone. Honestly, I didn’t get one since I just got out of the jungle this morning. I was hoping you could help me.” “I’ll help you. There’s a Verizon store in town. We can go in the morning and hook you up,” Jesse said, shifting his view from Cinder Black Road to Carr’s profile: dark hair and eyes, thick eyelashes, stubble on his cheeks and chin. Handsome for thirty-eight. A pleasure to look at and study. “You’ve lost some weight.” “Twenty. Maybe thirty pounds. I’m not sure. Working in the jungle does that. Plus, my diet has mostly consisted of beans, grains, water, and some dairy. The village I’ve been living in and helping to build is a no-kill zone for an

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