
453 Words
1996 //Evangeline Jenner// Sirius closed the door behind him as he entered his old bedroom at Grimold place. He sat down on the bed and clasped his hands in front of him and his elbows on his knees. His mind was filled was the conversation that he’d just left. Robyn Potter, his best friends daughter, had been in deep though when he’d entered her room and they’d spoken about her secret boyfriend. Sirius could tell that his goddaughter was conflicted and whether it was something that her boyfriend had said or done, he knew it was troubling her. As much as thoughts of the boy who was dating her goddaughter were present in his mind, that wasn’t the part of the conversation that took up the majority of his thoughts. He bit his lip and looked down at the silver engagement band that rested on his finger. Sirius had spoken of a woman that he hadn’t mentioned for nearly sixteen years. He looked toward his bedside table and opened the draw carefully and picked out a small, tattered picture. Sirius lifted it and allowed his eyes to drift over the picture. The picture was black and white and of a girl laughing. Her hair hanging down her back in loose curls and her eyes bright, even in the colourless picture. The lady wore a knee floral dress that flowed around by her laps. She was beautiful. One of his best friends. Best friend to Lily Potter. The Godmother of Robyn and Harry Potter. She was his fiancée. Evangeline Robyn Jenner. Sirius stroked his thumb over the image of her [X] A fold smile formed on his wizened face as he thought of his lover. Then, his grip suddenly tightens on the image of her as the memory of losing her came to his mind. Sirius clenched his jaw and pressed his fists, and the photo, to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut tightly as he felt his eyes start to water. “Evie…” he whispered quietly, his voice quivering slightly “I – “ “Sirius! Dinner!” Sirius stopped and stood at the sound of his Godsons voice. He looked down at the picture of Evangeline and smiled slightly, he pressed a kiss to it, before placed it back in the draw. Sirius smiled then made his way over to the door and opened it and just as he was about to leave but stopped and turned to look at where he put the picture and whispered one final thing before closing the door behind him. “I love you.” *** This is the story of Evangeline Jenner
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