Chapter 18

1928 Words
1976 6th Year //The New Couple and Sirius's Thoughts// Sirius watched the Evangeline and Remus walk out the common room through narrowed eyes, he glanced at Lily who was squealing in joy. He raised an eyebrow at her, “What?” Lily looked at him with a frown on her face, “What are you so happy about?” he snapped and Lily rolled her eyes, “Are you so stupid, Black?” Lily asked with a shake of her head “Remus is going to ask Evie out.” Sirius’s body froze and his mouth opened slightly in shock before a smirk slid onto his face as he shook his head, “Very funny.” He chuckled “Remus doesn’t have the guts to do it. Anyway, he doesn’t like her like that - OUCH!” he raised a hand to his head and rubbed the place were Lily had hit him with a book “What was that for you b***h? Ow!” James had punched him in the shoulder, “Don’t call her that.” James snapped glaring at his friends then looked at Lily with a grin on his face, Lily blushed slightly before looking at Sirius, “Don’t be so mean to Remus.” She told him sternly “He’s your friend.” “Im not being mean.” Sirius shrugged “I'm being honest. OW! Stop!” he jumped backward as Lily raised the book again ready to hit him again “Keep your girlfriend under control.” “Im not his girlfriend!” “Yet.” James murmured then looked at Sirius “Look, Remus haS liked Jenner for a long time and he’s been talking to Lily-pad recently. She gave him some advice we are.” James finished and Sirius rubbed his forehead, “Look, I promise you, Moony wont do it.” He told them with a small laugh “I’ll even prove it.” He walked out the common room confidently and out into the corridor. His black hair bounced on his head as he walked down the corridor then turned a corner and saw Remus and Evangeline standing facing each other, Evangeline wore a shocked expression and Remus wore a nervous one. “What?” Evangeline breathed “Will you be my girlfriend?” Remus said and Sirius froze in shock. Wait. Wait. WAIT! No. No, way, there is no way that Remus Lupin just as Evangeline Jenner out. No. He and Evangeline had kissed less than twenty-four hours ago, for the fourth time! Sirius couldn’t move as he continued to stare at the pair in complete shock. How could Moony do this to me? Sirius though bitterly. Does he not know how I feel about her? Then Sirius was shocked at his own thoughts. How did Sirius feel about her? He thought she was attractive but…that didn’t mean he liked her, did it? He was Sirius Black, the hot Gryffindor beater with looks that cause girls to faint at the mere sight of him. Girls like him. He didn’t like the girls, he used them! Sirius returned his gaze to Evangeline then the edges of his lips twitched into a smirk. Evangeline had yet to reply and she would defiantly not say – “Yes.” Sirius blinked when he heard Evangeline’s answer. Evangeline Jenner and Remus Lupin were dating. Sirius stood gaping like a fish as he watched Remus’s stance relax almost immediately at her answer and Evangeline smiled softly up at him. Sirius felt his stomach twist uncomfortably as he watched the two smile at each other, a sickly feeling grew in his stomach as he watched Remus reach forward and hold her hand. A shriek sounded from behind him and a blur of ginger flew past him and tackled Evangeline into a hug. Lily jumped excitedly as she held Evangeline tight, “You said yes, didn’t you!” Lily shouted happily and Evangeline was able to nodded slightly before she quickly covered her ears as Lily let out another scream of joy. She pulled away then hugged Remus tightly “Oh, well done, Remus.” She pulled back and smiled at the pair and looked down at their hairs before squealing and clapping. “I must admit,” Sirius heard James say from beside him “they look good together.” Sirius grumbled inaudibly as he watched Lily talk animatedly to the happy couple, he folded his arms as he watched them. Evangeline laughed at something Lily said and Sirius felt his heart flutter slightly then the icky felling in his stomach returned. He grimaced then looked down at the ground attempting to force the image of the pair holding hands out of his mind , “James! Sirius! Isn’t this amazing!” Sirius looked up and saw Lily grinning at him and James brightly with Evangeline beside her and a light blush covering her cheeks, “Its brilliant, Lily-flower.” James smiled then walked over to Moony and clapped his on the back “I knew you could do it.” Remus grinned widely, “Thanks, Prongs.” “Sirius?” the Black rolled his shoulders back and walked over to the group with an arrogant smirk on his face, “Yes, very good.” He said “Well done, Moony. Didn’t think you’d have the guts to ask a girl out.” “Yeah, well.” Remus shrugged “I guess, I mustered up the courage.” Sirius did a convincing smile then turned to Evie, “Jenner.” He flashed his white teeth before turning and walking down the corridor with his jaw clenched. Evangeline blinked as she watched Sirius walk way, he seemed strange today. Almost, as if his mind was absent. Was he okay? Was there something bothering him. She shook her head slightly, why was she thinking about Sirius anyway? She’d just gotten a boyfriend! Evangeline looked down her hand which was interlocked with Remus’s. His hand was so much bigger than hers. Her hazel eyes moved upward and where met with Remus’s dark brown ones. He smiled sweetly down at her and Evangeline blushed slightly. Remus was very attractive with his shining blond hair, his pale complexion, his tall stature and kind nature. He was everything that a girl looks for in a boy and more. He was a complete heart-throb at Hogwarts, like James and Sirius, but he never flaunted it. Remus was so shy, like Evangeline. Even with all these points, Evangeline had never thought him more than a friend. Then…why did she say yes? *** Remus sat in is chair at the Library with an open book in his hands a few days later. Evangeline entered through the library doors and saw Remus smiling at his book, he turned and saw Evangeline in the doorway and smiled brighter. She slowly walked over to him as he stood up and began walking faster than she was to her. He took Evangeline's bag off of her shoulder and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. A weak smile grew on her face, "How are you beautiful?" Remus asked, "Fine." "Whats bothering you?" Remus asked as he lead her to the table, with her bag on his shoulder, and sat back down on his seat with Evangeline moving to sit opposite him. Evangeline smiled then reached into her bag, which Remus had placed on the table, and pulled out her books and placed them on the table, "Nothing." she told him as she opened her Defense Against the Dark Arts book and flicked through the chapters. "Come on." Remus leaned forward "Speak to me." Remus was right, Evangeline was sad. She liked Remus. She did. Its just...she didn' like him. She felt awful about it. Remus was wonderful and any girl would be lucky to have him but...she wasn't that girl. Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she ran her hand down the page, "I just have a lot on my mind right now." she murmured softly, "You can tell me." "Remus," she looked up at him "please. Just leave it." Remus looked at her whilst nibbling on his bottom lip as he contemplated whether to continue or not. Much to Evangeline's relief, Remus looked down at his book and asked, "So, which chapter are we starting from?" *** Later that night, Sirius Black could be found in his dorm room whilst everyone else was downstairs enjoying the feast. He'd told James that he didn't feel hungry and he knew that James didn't believe him but he left Sirius alone anyway, shooting Sirius a concerning look as he closed the door. Remus, on the other hand, had left extra early to save a seat for Evangeline - though their was no reasons as it was still the Christmas holidays and two days to new years. Something about Remus making an extra effort for Evangeline made him very angry - but he had no reason to be. Evangeline was Remus's girlfriend. That's what boyfriends do. A small sigh came from Sirius's lips as he got up from his bed, running a hand through his thick, messy hair. He walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He was handsome - he knew that. Correction: everyone knew that. He had a strong jaw bone that was covered with neat stubble. His hair was shoulder length dark wavy, soft and smooth - always combed with the ladies running their hands through it during their 'time' with him. Sirius was good with girls, one look at they were in his grasp. He was fit and toned from his Quidditch playing, especially being a beater. His arms were tone and muscly from swinging his beater bat at a hard, bludger. Sirius pulled off his shirt and ran his hand over his stomach. He defined muscles but he still looked relatively skinny but muscly at the same time. He tensed his body, his muscles becoming even more defined. Remus doesn't have a strong jaw bone with stubble. Remus doesn't have soft luscious hair, he had short neat blonde hair. Remus wasn't good with girls. Remus didn't have a toned body. Remus wasn't a beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Remus didn't have defined muscles. Remus wasn't like Sirius. Remus was a werewolf. Sirius was better than Remus. Sirius smiled at the thought. He was better than Remus Lupin. Suddenly...Sirius jumped a foot in the air and, when his feet touched the ground, he stumbled backward and gripped his hair in his fists - pulling it. What was wrong with me? Sirius hissed to himself in his mind. He was comparing himself to one of his best friends. It was unfair and disgusting. Why was he doing this? Because Remus was dating the a girl that Sirius finds very attractive? That's no reason to act like a prick, especially seeing as Remus had no idea that conflicting feelings that were going on in Sirius's mind about Evangeline. Sirius walked over to the basin and turned on the tap and splashed his face with water before drying it with a hand towel. He looked up in the mirror and breathed before leaving the bathroom and heading down to the feast after pulling on a jumper.
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