Home Sweet Home.

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Reijin City. First of all, I went to the main headquarters to report to the minister on how everything was. Walking through the building, which he had managed to hate for a year. If it were his will, he would never return to this terrible place. Unfortunately, the situation obliges him to do this. “Hello, Prime Minister of Military Affairs. Here's all the information on the assignment received. " He pulled up his sleeve and transmitted all the rest of his data through Beltex. With the help of records from the ship, which are constantly kept there. The Flairz can show live how they fought, and the program learned everything in detail easily. Up to what level of Fleziradia they were using. “Thank you for the work done. I am grateful that you agreed to help us and all of humanity. " Quite convenient and you don't really need to do anything for this. He also made his notes to Maxim in the report, just in case. So that if suddenly something is not clear you could turn to them and read them. Ronald thanked him for being the one, even having received so much pain from the government. He still didn't turn his back on them when they needed this squad. “Enough of this false flattery. I'm not helping you. I don't care if you all die. I do this only in order to protect people who are not guilty of anything. " Bryce snapped back at the prime minister of military affairs. He doesn't need his gratitude for a hundred years. Moreover, in which there is not a drop of sincerity. His words are worthless and mean nothing. For the commander, he will forever remain empty, who betrayed his trust forever. When he took advantage of him and his squad, for the sake of achieving his personal goals and ambitions. “You still hate me very much. You must understand that I did this for the good of all mankind. " Ronald wanted him to understand and accept his intentions. He tried to give the world hope for victory in this way. By making the most powerful Flares in the world. Yes, he could have killed a young soldier then and actually killed many. Who could not cope with the power given from Serena. But it was a justified risk and the result is obvious. "I do not understand. You did it for yourself. Ronald. " Only Jack didn't believe him. He did not at all believe that this man was doing this for the sake of all mankind. He did it for himself and nothing more. This was his position and no other words could change it. And I didn't really want to. I didn't care what they thought. Main result. And the method and methods are not important. This is the morality that the entire government of the world adheres to and it is very sad. “Take it as you like. I will not make excuses to apologize anymore for my actions. " Then Bryce left Ronald's office and walked down the corridor. It's time to get back to the ship. More of him and the team does not keep anything here. So there is no point in staying in this place they all hate. But on the way he was still stopped for some time and detained. Already at the exit from the building. "Hey. Jack. I will never see again. And I'm looking at you. In good health. It's a pity. I was hoping that you had already been killed somewhere. " He was one of the ten best commanders of Flezia's squadron flying on the Levia ladder. Duke Fernandez. And also an old friend and at the same time not. In the past, they have never really been friends and were like a cat and a dog. They competed and disliked each other. A year has passed and these two met again. “Duke. Back off. I am not in the mood to enter into skirmishes with you right now. Go where you were going. " Fernandez, as usual, wished him a speedy death and looked down on him. Like some kind of trash. Leading your opponent into emotions. Only Bryce now had absolutely no time for him and absolutely did not care what this man needed there. He was already angry after meeting with the prime minister of military affairs. This was also lacking here. “Yes I am. Wanted to say. Thank you for saving me in that war with the Giren squad. If not you. I would have died long ago. " But this time Duke did not come to quarrel with him. He abruptly changed his face, lowered his head and thanked him for saving his life in the war with the Giren squad. If Jack hadn't arrived in time then. He would have been in the afterlife for a long time. Therefore, although I was not used to showing weakness and such emotions. But I just couldn't help but say it. At the meeting. “Comrades should always help each other. I couldn't leave you. Even if I don't like you that much. " Jack was very friendly to him. Although they constantly dislike each other. They had come a long way together, and he simply could not leave his friend in trouble. Anyone among the top ten would do the same. No matter how they quarrel, they are still friends. And Duke will definitely help him out if you need help. To get your debt back. It is enough just to call him, and he will rush along with his team. “If you need help. Just call me. I will always come and help you. I don't like being in debt. " On the ship. Mila was preparing dinner. Catherine was stuck on the phone. Brody was fiddling with some new invention of his own. Harry trained to become even stronger and not to lose to anyone else in such arguments as in the last battle. In general, everyone was busy with something. And they also waited for the return of their commander. “Eh. So boring. I’ll go for some clothes. ” Nolevis is already fed up with flipping through the feed on **. And she decided to take a quick stroll around the shops in the capital. Until their commander returned. This was her passion. And in Reijin there were many interesting brand stores that she adores. But as soon as she got dressed and left the hall and opened the front door. It just froze in place in a state of shock. Without moving from a place. “Why are you frozen? Catherine." Brody saw this and for a couple of minutes he looked at her from afar and did not understand. Why doesn't she move. So I decided to ask her myself and come closer. True, only he stood next to her, as he himself stood in a stupor and a broken state. Mila followed her out of the kitchen and shouted to them. But no response was received. “Hey guys. What's wrong?" Then she decided to approach both of them too. And she was also very surprised. After all, Ron and Emo were standing at the entrance. After such a long absence, the guys finally returned home. Without any invitation or notice. They had already stood at the door of the ship's entrance for half an hour and thought. What is the first thing to say when they see you. But they could not come up with anything. We were very worried. “Sorry for such a long absence. We are, as it were, returned. " Herbert spoke first, grinning silly and scratching the back of his head. He was a little confused and afraid. Because I didn't know what kind of reaction would follow from them. Fortunately, it was positive. Nolevis was the first to jump on them and hug both of them tightly. The girl missed them very much and was extremely happy. Even clothes are no longer needed. "Hooray. Emo and Ron. Finally at home." The rest also made them feel welcome and sent the guys home. Finally they came back and the whole team was assembled. Well, almost everything. It remains to agree with the commander and return the last member of their team. Nick. That lies soundly asleep in the capsule and waits for the beloved to come for it as soon as possible. Yes, they will again become a big and friendly family as they were before. “Welcome home. Guys."
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