Hope will become despair.

1735 Words

The fourth and final wave of Tyrannosaurs has already approached the dome of the city of Limpane. And the Flairzes continued to fight them diligently. Flax is still standing at the very end. Yes, I looked from afar at the battle that is unfolding with humanity and absolutely no participation is taken in it. The wind rose has not shown itself yet and have not entered the battle. "Crap. How many of them are there. " Henry killed one Tyrannosaurus after another, but they never ended. They just came and came. And the forces were spent and wasted. Of course, he tried to keep it to a minimum and conserved the stock of Fleziradia in his body. Only it is not eternal, and someday it may end. Therefore, you need to be more careful in using your powers. "Five hundred blades." Lagorte, so as not t

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