I can win alone.

1785 Words

On the western side, a battle was unfolding with the very personification of war. Bellum was surrounded by three sides and prepared to attack. The guys were in no hurry to take the first step and thought before taking any action. Except, of course, one without a tower. Garry. Without a plan, he just went to the frontal waving his scythe like crazy. "Go here. I'll chop you into small pieces. " He attacked without fear or doubt. Striking blow after blow They are crowding their enemy and not giving him a single drop of rest. He could not even catch his breath and was reorganized into an attack. What he managed to do was put blocks with his sword. Yes, wait for the moment when Flairs stumbles and makes a mistake. "Your movements are too sloppy and not neat." What actually happened. One wro

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