A new threat is looming.

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The meeting with Commander Bryce did not go well. So Ron and Emo left the Levia Trap and headed to Reijin to rent a hotel there for the night. I don't really want to stay on the street. And on a two-seater small boat there is no strong desire to huddle. And you can't go to your comrades. Because they were thrown out of there. In general, the day was not at all successful. “The deal with the commander failed. Are you going to agree to Len's terms? " On the way, already in the city. Not far from the hotel. Lowes stopped and asked Herbert what he planned to do next. It was very important for him to find out right now. Before they go on their way. He was never pleased with this idea, but he was silent all the time. Now it's time to speak directly on this matter. Whatever he thinks about it. "Maybe yes. There is no other choice. I don’t know how I can get back Nick anymore. " Ron lowered his head and answered in a drooping voice. Even without looking into the eyes of his comrade. He was a little ashamed of making a deal with the villain. But what else does he have to do? He was completely lost and ready to cling to any thread. Just to save your beloved. The second could not resist and walked up to him point-blank. Grab it. And then he grabbed it tightly by the scruff of the neck. And how he began to shout at him. And so that he looked straight into his eyes and did not dare to look away. Trying to explain that this is absenteeism. Everything he is doing now is completely wrong. Nika is just an excuse. In fact, this is all nothing more than just his selfishness. “Do you think she’ll be glad? When he finds out what you went for, just because of your selfishness. She fell asleep on purpose to save you and others. And you destroy everything that she tries to protect. I endured for a long time, but are you doing the right thing now? " If the girl finds out that for the sake of her salvation. Her beloved made a deal with the devil, it will only upset her. He won't make anyone better out of it. Not only does he go against Nicky's wishes. So still going to get up to do such recklessness. Emo just couldn't take it all anymore and be silent. He was by the end enraged by the actions of his comrade. "Do not know. I just want to get her back. We promised each other that we would always be together. " Just so that Lawes doesn't try to convey to him. Ron still insisted on his own and did not listen at all to what he was told. He heard no one and nothing. As if some kind of madman. Such a feeling arises, as if he is talking to the wall now. The guy has only one thing on his mind and that is his desire to save Nick. As if mesmerized by this thought. Tudukh. This was the last straw for Emo. He punched him in the face with a fist that he flew off five meters. He didn't want to hit him. But I just couldn't contain my emotions. This is not the same Ron that was before. Now it looks more like a piece of s**t. Yes, the commander was also cruel and unfair. Only this person is many times worse. “I agreed to go with you in order to find Nika on my own and bring her back to the team. I didn't sign up for deals with villains. If you go to him, then our paths diverge. " The scanner followed and was ready to follow to the end only the person who was on his own. Like a prince on a white horse. He wants to save his beloved. And not behind the scum of society, that to betray everything that is dear to him and substitute anyone. Even your friend if need be. Because of their selfishness. "Good. Thank you for being with me all this time. I will never forget that. " With this, their joint journey came to an end. They quarreled very much and even went to different hotels. In order not to overlap anymore. Now it's every man for himself. Ron will have to follow his path alone. Unless, of course, he decides to change his mind and refuse the deal with Len. But this is unlikely. “You are such an i***t. Ron. Full." Meanwhile, on the ship Levia Trap. Jack and the rest of the team discussed what had happened. They did not expect the commander to throw them out of the ship and were clearly outraged by this. It was already overkill. You can't treat your comrades so dismissively. No matter what good goals are pursued. Drive people out of your own home. It was already too much of a beauty. "Commander. I understand that you are annoyed. But understand Ron too. He lost the most precious thing he has. And you just took it and threw it off the ship like some kind of garbage. It's low." Mila scolded Jack like a little child. This was absolutely unacceptable. They are all like family, and Levia Trap is their home. And where have you seen a family member kicked out of their own home? No matter how someone has done things. No matter what the person does. No one has the right to act so cruel. Even the commander. “He began to dictate to me his own and demand that I return it. Violating orders acts in its own way. We do not need a friend who cannot see beyond his own nose. " Bryce hadn't left yet and was angry. So he said a lot of things without thinking. In fact, he didn't think so. It just burst out of my mouth on emotion. Moreover, he spoke such bad words that it was simply impossible to listen to him. He got carried away. He had no idea what he was carrying. How did he even turn his tongue to say that? Tudukh. The deputy simply could not stand it and slapped her commander a very strong slap in the face. His entire cheek turned red. Then Jack stood in a stupor and did not utter more than a single word. He realized that he had said too much and was wrong. You couldn't do that. This is unworthy of him as the leader of his squad. "Jack. Chill out. Do you even hear yourself. What are you talking about now? Then you will decide to just get rid of us as well, if we do not please you? " Zintler was beside herself with rage. She didn’t regret a bit about hitting him now. After all, if you judge so, then everyone in the team who stumbles and goes on the wrong path. Doesn't deserve any help and should be kicked out of the squad. They are not like that and have never done that. And they adhere to a completely different principle. “What else could I do? Tell Mila. I also want to bring her back. But I cannot break this promise. This is her decision. And I have to respect him. " Tears began to flow from Bryce's eyes. His heart was just breaking with what he could not decide. What should he do in this situation. Since he also wants to return and get the girl back from the capsule. More than anyone else. But he gave her his word that he would not do this under any pretext. This contradiction of promise and desire haunted him every single day. "I know. Quiet. We must all respect her decision. " Mila came over and hugged Jack tightly. It was like a mother was comforting her son. She understood how painful it was in his chest. It hurt everyone on the team. But by her actions, she protects others from the terrible evil that can come out and destroy this world. And the first who will part with her life with her awakening. There will be none other than Ron himself. "What should I do? What should I do? What do i do? I am completely lost and do not know the correct answer. " A subordinate came to the seventh prince with a report. He brought him very bad news. Tyrannosaurs are advancing on Limpane. And this time there were tens of thousands of them. It was just an incredibly huge amount. The last time such a large-scale attack was in the days of the Fauns. When they, along with the Giren squad, attacked Grayspawn. Now everything is repeated. Then it took the strength of all the detachments to one to repel the onslaught of the enemy. And if Nero does not collect them in time, he will be wiped off the face of the earth. "Anxiety. Whole legions of Tyrannosaurs are moving to Limpane. And along with them, on one of these creatures, a man named Len Bryce was seen. " And the one who ruled all these legions. None other than Len Bryce. This time he will personally take part in the war and will be against the people. Not only will people have to fight thousands of enemies. So also together with them there will be an incredibly strong person. Whose strength is immense. No one even knows its limits. But one thing is clear for sure. This clash will be much more serious than what happened a year ago. In Grayspawn. Against a squad of Giren and Fauns. “So the puppeteer decided to show himself. I did not expect that you will be the one who will resurrect them. The child who killed his own parents. "
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