Slicer's difficult past.

1638 Words

“It was so long ago that I forgot how terrible and cruel those days were. My grandmother often scolded me, beat me half to death and never once did she treat me well. It would be better if these memories were erased from my memory forever. " 13 years ago. Two years before the start of the war of humanity against the Fauns. In a small house on the outskirts, around the forest. In the city of Grayspawn. The grandmother and grandson lived separately from the rest of the world. It was a little Slicer. He saw neither the world nor other people. He was not educated and knew absolutely nothing. Just this little world. And so he lived from his very birth. "Forgive me. I'll be more careful next time. " For every offense, his grandmother constantly scolded and beat him. Therefore, he was covered

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