An audience with the first prince. Slicer against Lena.

1998 Words

In Reijin, the seventh prince is Nero Asia and has just received an audience with the first prince. Ravil Asia. It's been a year since their last meeting. When the younger brother brought the relic home. Ring of dramas. And also destroyed the first Faun. Aramet. And he announced the end of the ten-year war for the whole world. “Nero. What fates did he come to me with? " Ravil was delighted with his arrival and greeted him with incredible goodwill. Unlike those meetings that took place in the past. For he brought him the Ring of Dramas and by this he placated his father very much. And for him it was the most important thing in life. He is the first heir and the next to be crowned. His future depends on how he shows himself. And he intends to do everything possible to get this power. "You

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