Chapter 4: Part 1

919 Words
I was jolted awake by a loud crash, and instantly, adrenaline surged through my body, causing my skin to tingle and my fingers to tremble. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning - there was someone in my house. I strained my ears, but not a single sound reached my senses; nevertheless, I knew it with every fiber of my being. The Great MS had a unique way of moving, or rather not moving, without making a sound. Even when I shifted something or when there was construction work happening in the house, he skillfully avoided any noise, gliding effortlessly through the darkness as if he could see every obstacle ahead. Thus, that crash could not have been him. It had to be someone else. In that moment of vulnerability, I longed for some form of protection, even a simple baseball bat would suffice - anything that could make me feel less powerless and less alone. I yearned for the company of an inanimate object if it meant it could defend me against any potential threat. Frantically, I reached for the phone, wishing I had something more than just my voice to rely on. I dialed 911, seeking immediate help for this terrifying situation. "Nine, one, one, what's your emergency?" the voice on the other end asked. "My name is Pennelope Casey," I whispered in a trembling voice. "I reside at three, three, two Vine, and there's an intruder in my house. They're inside right now. Please, you need to send someone immediately. I'm going to hang up now, and please don't call back. This is not a prank." With my message relayed, I ended the call and placed the phone gently on the bed. My heart pounded fiercely as I rolled away from it, seeking solace and reassurance in my beloved snow globe. It was a Rosina Wachtmeister snow globe, featuring an adorable kitty inside, surrounded by delicate dancing flowers at the base. Whenever I turned it over and gave it a gentle shake, sparkling glitter would twirl around the playful kitty. In that moment of fear and vulnerability, my precious snow globe became more than just a decorative item; it potentially held the power to protect me. I tightly grasped it in my hands, knowing that if necessary, I could use it as a makeshift weapon, perhaps even knocking out an intruder if they attempted to harm me. Stealthily, I moved on tiptoes to the opposite wall, my back pressed against it as I fixated my gaze on the door. The seconds felt like hours as I waited, ready to defend myself and praying for the arrival of the authorities to secure my safety. My heart pounded so loudly that it echoed in my ears, sending shivers through my entire body. I was utterly terrified, completely out of my mind with fear. Though I couldn't hear anything, I could sense the presence of someone nearby, lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, I heard it - faint footfalls echoing down the hall. Panic consumed me as I realized the intruder was getting closer and closer. "Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod," I repeated in my mind, desperate for help but unsure of how long it would take for the police to arrive. I strained my memory, trying to recall the typical response time for law enforcement. "Seven minutes," a number flashed in my head, though I couldn't be sure if it was accurate or merely a guess. Regardless, I couldn't rely on those seven minutes. The intruder was too close now, and every second felt like an eternity. In silence, I carefully inched my way up the wall, my eyes locked onto the partially closed door in front of me. I had begun this habit of leaving the door slightly open, hoping to catch any sign of The Great MS's arrival. It had a faint creak to it, not too loud, but enough to alert me of anyone's approach. The Mysterious Stranger, or MS as I referred to him, moved with eerie silence, not a creak or sound to betray his presence. My heart raced as I caught a glimpse of a dim flashlight beam, the soft glow casting shadows on the wall. A man's hand emerged from the darkness, cautiously reaching out to push my door open. Fear gripped me, and I held my breath, willing myself to be as silent as possible. I had to stay hidden; I couldn't let him hear me breathing. With my beloved Wachtmeister snow globe clutched tightly in my hand, I was prepared to defend myself if necessary. If I had to use it as a weapon, I wanted the blow to count. The door continued to open as I waited in tense anticipation. Suddenly, a ray of hope pierced through the darkness. The sound of approaching sirens reached my ears, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you, God. Help was on the way. The intruder must have heard the sirens too because his hand froze, then quickly disappeared from view. Hastily, I heard his hurried footfalls as he descended the stairs, making a hasty escape. And then, silence. He was gone. Feeling a mixture of fear, relief, and adrenaline coursing through my veins, I slumped down against the wall, cradling my cherished snow globe in my hands. In this moment of vulnerability, it provided me with a small comfort, reminding me of the beauty in the world even amidst the chaos and danger that had just unfolded.
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