4. Home of the Poets

2980 Words

4. Home of the Poets Ben I’ve had a lot of first days of school in a lot of different towns, and I was nervous on every one of them. After a while I thought I’d get used to them. I never did. Every time there were the same questions. Would I make a good impression? Would I make friends? Would this finally be the school that sticks? Of course, this time there was also the fact that my school was likely swarming with Splinters to consider. Mom drove me that first morning. She’d told me she wouldn’t always be able to, not with the schedule she had to keep at Town Hall, but she wanted to at least drop me off on my first day. It was one of our few traditions, and it had always been awkward for me, knowing that we would be having another first day at a new school within the next year or t

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