Sunset Crest Pack

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The clock read 7:15am, I contemplated rolling over, only to remember I was on the sofa in my new residence at the Sunset Crest pack. I could hear my kids quietly playing in the room down the hall. I got up and grabbed a fresh set of clothes containing blue skinny jeans, a tan tank top, and black running shoes. I'm supposed to meet Alpha Karson and his family for breakfast. I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up before I made my appearance, washed my face and applied a bit of light makeup. I didn't need it, I was always told I had such natural beauty, I could be a model if I wanted to. With one last glance in the mirror, I left the bathroom and headed to my kids to dress them. I stopped when a knock at the door startled me. Nate stood there, as Ruby opened the door. "Good morning Nate, I was just about to get my kids ready. If you'd like to come in and wait, we should be ready in 5 minutes." Nate walked in with a gentle smile on his face. "Thank you Rebel, how was your first night here?" Ruby shrugged her shoulders. "It wasn't too bad, I passed out rather fast after putting the twins down. To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about going to the pack house for breakfast." "Everything will be fine, you'll get proper introductions and ask any questions you may have." Nate responded. It was about a 3 minute walk from my new residence to the pack house. In the daylight I was getting a way better glimpse of the pack house. I could see the house was at least 3 stories with beautiful french doors made of oak wood, a garden off to the right covered in many different flowers, some I didn't recognize. The left side of the house looked to be some sort of training ground. My curiosity peaked as I walked over to take a closer look. I could see men ranging from 10 to at least 20 years old training, some sparing each other, others working out on equipment flexing their muscles. When I felt my curiosity had been satisfied, I turned ready to walk back over to Nate and my pups, when the scent so amazing caught me off guard had me turning back to find out who it belonged to. My eyes widened as I saw Karson wearing gray sweatpants and a black tank, his muscles more appealing to me than any man there. I swallowed hard, my heart racing as I could feel myself getting aroused. I had never felt this way before, not even with Collin, so why was I feeling it now? Mate! Flora huffed. What, it can't be, how do you know? He hasn't even seen us shift, so how could he be our mate? I was lost in thought when I heard Nate speak. “Rebel this way to breakfast. Mr. and Mrs Richmond are waiting with the alpha.” s**t, I looked back and saw Karson was looking my way. I quickly walked back and followed Nate into the house, walking down the hallway into the breakfast room. As I entered the room, the smell of cooked bacon and eggs hit my nostrils, so much it was mouth watering. Waffles, a basket of assorted muffins, fruits and freshly squeezed orange juice decorated the table. Looking at my kids, I noticed they too had their mouths open with a begging look, eager to eat. “Welcome Ms. Hall, we saved you and your pups seats here. You must be hungry. Please sit down and eat. Karson will join us shortly, he's on the training grounds at the moment,” Hope said with a smile. Alec was the first to sit, followed by Anna. I watched in shock as each little child filled their plate to the top with waffles and fruit. I sat calmly grabbing a muffin, eggs and, of course, the bacon, before I could even take a bite, Karson walked in with a towel over his neck draping down his shoulders covered in sweat. Goddess, I don't even know the man, and yet I want to pounce on him so badly. “Is everything all right Ms. Hall?” Theo asked with a mouthful of lightly buttered toast. “Yes sir, sorry I've been a bit distracted by my new surroundings.” Nice save Ruby! Flora blurted out. “Have you heard from Rini? I thought she would have been here by now.” It was a question I really needed an answer to and the only one I needed to start off with. “Rini… oh yes the witch, we received word this morning that she was still holding the barrier, it seems your scent is taking longer to cover up.” Theo spoke diligently. “I understand that she is the only family you have right now. She spoke very highly of you and your pups in the letter we received right before you came here.” added Hope. “Yes, Rini is like a mother to me, she was there for me, she helped deliver my twins when I had no one.'' Saying it outloud made me yearn for my mothers touch, but I knew that sending Rini to me was her way of letting me know she was near. I looked up to see Karson staring at me, goddess. Why does he smell so intoxicating? I would give anything to run with his wolf. I wonder what he is like. Flora added, her tail wagging uncontrollably. Me too Flora. You don't think he will reject us, do you? Or worse, ban us like Alpha Michael? The thought of getting banned again sent shivers down my spine. We all finished our breakfast, and retired to the living quarters of the house. Hope came up to me and I could tell that something was on her mind. “Rebel, we set up a job at the pack school for you. We were told you taught at a human school before coming here and figured you'd like to continue teaching the pack pups, to earn an income while here.” Theo said. “ Are you serious? I'd love nothing more, thank you! But what would I do with my pups?” I asked, a bit concerned. My pups were my main priority. They came before anyone. “As a mother, I understand completely where you're coming from. We took the liberty of enrolling them in the pack daycare. They have a direct line from your class, so you can check on them anytime. They will also be able to make friends with other wolves like themselves so they don't feel out of place.” added Hope. They really are great people. I have a home now and a job and my pups will be able to learn from other wolves. I feel so relieved. “ Rebel, would you care to take a stroll with me in the gardens? We can show your pups the different flowers we have?” asked Hope. “That would be great. What do you say kids, would you like to take a walk in the gardens?” I looked over to my pups, only to find Alec and Anna passed out in Theo’s lap. “Well, I guess that answered my question.” I laughed, “let us enjoy this day.” Hope added. Hope was right. It was beautiful outside, the sun bright in the sky, a light breeze, birds chirping. It felt amazing. Hope was the first to break the silence, bringing me back to her and the garden. “This all must be a bit overwhelming for you, yet I must say you are handling this quite well.” “Only a little, to be honest. I would have never managed had it not been for everything. I've been through and Rini.” “I couldn't help but wonder what all you have been through? I know Rini told you to trust no one because she truly cares for you.” Hope’s words caused my head to snap up and face her. “I’m sorry, but how do you know that?” I asked. “You didn't think Lady Rini was the only witch out there, did you? The moment you stepped on to the property, I detected a small barrier covering you and your pups. It’s one of the reasons why Karson can't sense that you're his mate.” Who is this lady? I'm not feeling any hostility yet. I'm not sensing any danger either. Flora said hesitated I'm not sure I feel the same. I don't sense any red flags, but now I have more questions. Should I keep asking? Yes, she may know more about us than she's leading on “Confiding in your wolf is always smart. Don't worry. I'll answer any question you have.” Hope said as she bent over to pick some violets from the garden. “How do you know I was talking to my wolf?” “It's the haze my dear, our eyes haze over like gloss when we mind link or converse with our wolves.” She points to her eyes as she explains it to me. “Makes sense, OK, so how do you know that there is a barrier between me and my pups?” “I can't smell you. In other words, you don't have a scent, at least not a very strong one. Something is preventing it.” “How did you know that Karson is my mate?” “It’s the way you look at him when he enters a room. I noticed it the very first day you arrived when you made eye contact. Certainly he felt something but he didn't know what.” “You’re the luna of Sunset crest pack, how are you also a witch?” “The moon goddess is mysterious sometimes. I wasn't born with a wolf. Theo came to the human side looking for an escape from his duties when he bumped into me. I was told wolves hardly ever get mated to a human. When I received his mark, I also received a wolf of my own, and a shocking surprise when I realized I still had my magic.” “How can I get rid of this so-called barrier? I’ve never felt like this and would like my mate to know me” “I would need to contact my old coven and see if we can work together to bring it down, it may take time, we could wait for Rini but I'm not sure she even knows about this, she is from my coven if she did know of it surely she would have mentioned this in her letter.” I spent almost all day with Hope, going over different books on barriers, until I stumbled on a book about Dire Wolves. Instantly my heart skipped a beat, I reached for the book without even thinking and started skimming the pages. “That book is all that's left of the Dire Wolves.” Hope said, making me jump. I didn't notice how long she had been standing beside me. “I’m confused. What do you mean what's left?” I asked. “The last Dire Wolf, King Damen, was executed over 23 years ago. He craved power so much that he murdered his own family to have it all. He bought women from all over, raped and killed any wolf who bore a daughter instead of a son. No one knows if there were any survivors; Damen made sure all the women were killed before his execution, pregnant or not.” Hope said. There was sadness in her voice. “I lost a sister to that awful man.” “I’m so sorry for your loss. Just out of curiosity, what would happen if a child of his surfaced?” I knew I shouldn't ask but temptation was killing me. “Well, the child would have to verify themselves with the three-pack councils. Once everything is verified, he or she will be crowned king or queen and will take over as leader for all packs. Why do you ask?” Hope said with an eyebrow raised. Can we trust her, Flora? I’m not sensing any bad intentions. If anything, I feel like we can trust her, just like Rini. Flora added “Hope, I’m a Dire Wolf, and I believe my mother was one of the women he raped.” The words slipped out, releasing the weight from my chest.
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